The country will survive but we're in very bad shape. There are so
many unemployable people now in their 50's as well as 20-year-olds
that never had jobs. We need to fix the economy. Obama's jobs team
hasn't met in six months, even they gave up it seems.

As for Reagan and AIDS, he was doubling funding each year for AIDS
research. In 1983 his Health And Human Services secretary declared it
her number one priority.


On Thu, Jul 19, 2012 at 1:12 PM, GMoney <> wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 19, 2012 at 11:58 AM, Sam <> wrote:
>> If W spent more time on the golf course you wouldn't have had as much
>> to complain about. As you said, O is using W's policies. But W didn't
>> sit around and just use existing C policies. If so he wouldn't have
>> had so many pictures with a Hitler mustache.
>> But it does bring me to this very funny quote:
>> Barack Obama is the worst thing to happen to America in my lifetime.
>> Yet he lacks the work ethic and intellectual rigor necessary to
>> destroy us -- despite actions which are purposely malevolent or
>> moronically unintentional. - William L. Gensert
> The hyperbole never ceases. I'm sure he said the same thing about
> his lifetime....or his lifetime....and every
> other Democrat who had the gall to actually become president. To the limp
> dicked liberals, George W. Bush was evil incarnate...they were apoplectic.
> It used to be that an old fart, stuck-in-his-ways conservative....or a
> well-intentioned but naive liberal....could sit and discuss what they
> thought was wrong with a certain person or action, without feeling the need
> to resort to such hyperbole. Jimmy Carter wasn't the devil...he just messed
> up in defense and didn't do enough for the economy. Ronald Reagan wasn't
> the second coming of Hitler, he just spent too much on defense and reacted
> too slowly to the AIDS epidemic.
> These days, "well intentioned but misguided" has been replaced by
> "purposely malevolent".
> It sucks. The solution starts with us. We should be better than that.

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