I call bullshit on you AQ - Muslim Brotherhood link and deep double
bullshit on your claim that AQ owns Egypt. Back that up with actual
sources or take it back. I'm not a Brotherhood fan but that is some
irresponsible crap to be flinging around idly. Judge them by their own
actions, don't paint all Muslims with the same broad brush.


On Wed, Sep 12, 2012 at 11:11 PM, LRS Scout <lrssc...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Yeah that's what I'm hearing too.  Look we know AQ has deep roots in the
> brotherhood.  Now they own countries.
> I guess I've come down a few notches from where I was earlier.  I mean,
> jesus.
> The response by the citizens of Libya that I'm saying has a lot to do with
> that.  I guess it's hold your breath and see what happens time.

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