""I've read the man's words, and watched his actions, "

This is what people should be considering."

Then why are you not focusing n that instead of calling him by his middle
name if that is what people should be focusing on Jerry?  Or is that you
really are just a racist moron?

Three Ravens Consulting
Eric Roberts
tel: 630-486-5255
fax: 630-310-8531

-----Original Message-----
From: Jerry Barnes [mailto:critic...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, September 18, 2012 10:27 PM
To: cf-community
Subject: Re: Romney Campaign Crashing and Burning

"Yes on certainly has a connotation associated with it.  One that I think
you guys should really consider."

Nah.  The name is a diversion.

"I've read the man's words, and watched his actions, "

This is what people should be considering.

"What I am saying is that he spent large amounts of his life living out of
this country among people that are not our friends.  I am saying look at who
he associates himself with, look at what he does."

And this is what they should be considering.

"Another judge just brought back NDAA today at the urging of his justice
department. So this man is all for suspending habeas corpus and sue process.

And this is what they should be considering.

"That in and of itself should be enough to invalidate him for the position."

One of many things.

Instead of considering the things you mentioned, all that will be considered
is the "D" beside his name.

"Now you can all tell me how evil Romney is too, which doesn't mean a damned
thing to me because I'm voting for Gary Johnson."

Exactly.  Romney means jack shit to me.  Is he better than Obama?
 Probably, but that ain't exactly hard to accomplish.  I could pick a name
out of the phone book I would have accomplished having a better candidate
than Hussein.

At this point, I am leaning Johnson.  Still haven't decided completely.

Right now, Johnson is not on the ballot in three states.  The GOP is leading
the way in keeping him off the ballots.  Both parties along with CNN have
conspired to keep him out of the debates.



You cannot legislate the poor into freedom by legislating the wealthy out of
freedom. When half of the people get an idea that they do not have to work
because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other
half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is
going to get what they work for, that my dear friend, is about the end of
any nation. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it. - Adrian Pierce

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