"I know the big tabacco companies have had pot plans for decades in
case it ever
does get legalized, but I don't see it gaining any support down there."

There's plenty of support, it's just not in the Raleigh. Hell, possession
is barely treated as a crime anymore.  It's usually just a tack on when
someone is busted for something else.  No one gives a damn about pot,
except for the politicians and a small percentage of the religious
community.  That means that it is lucrative for the politicians to keep it

"Tobacco owns the politicians in NC"

Not anymore.  Those days have passed.   It was a slow loss of power.
 Probably happened in the late 90's and early 00's.

Banking owns the politicians in NC.  Charlotte is called the Wall Street of
the South.

Speaking of states and laws and such, how is Prop 37 doing in CA?  I know
that the big companies are holding nothing back in trying to stop it.  Is
it working or will it pass?



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