The only food I consume that might have GMOs are chocolate Cheerios.  I can
live without those. I've been getting my vegetables and fish from local
organic sources, although I worry sometime about how much pollution the
fish are swimming in.  I also worry about all those foods loaded with
growth hormones that I might have consumed years ago before anyone knew how
bad they were.

But likely I'll be fine as long they don't but GMOs in the Nutella.  That's
about all I eat these days. Right out of the jar, with a spoon, so I don't
have to worry about GMO bread or crackers.

On Wed, Oct 24, 2012 at 9:23 PM, Dana <> wrote:

> the only rationale I can see for that claim assumes that significant
> numbers of consumers will avoid GMO-labeled foods. I am not sure that will
> happen. I personally have been convinced by Sandy that I am better off
> without the stuff, but I've also been called ignorant and superstitious for
> that preference.

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