The first 10 years of handgun bans in DC showed no substantial change
in homicide rates. '85 to '92 saw a massive spike in homicide rates
from 25 per 100K to 80 per 100K. The laws had not changed. '92 to '06,
when Heller was decided, saw the homicide rate plunge from 80 back
down to 30 per 100K, basically the same place it was when the handgun
ban went into effect.

Here's a graph for you:

Heller had absolutely no impact on homicide rates in DC. None.
Homicide rates are down since Heller, yes...but they had been rapidly
declining for years before Heller. The changes in homicide rates had
nothing to do with gun laws one way or another and it is foolish to
claim otherwise.

Violent crime rates had been falling precipitously a decade before
changes in gun ownership law, so, yeah, you are flat out wrong there
in your notion that rates continued to rise.

Crime rates are strongly associated with a number of things, like
demographics, hard drug availability, incarceration rates, etc. They
are not strongly associated with gun laws, one way or the other.


On Thu, Oct 25, 2012 at 8:59 AM, LRS Scout <> wrote:
> FBI statistics have shown clearly that states with shall issue requirements
> and higher levels of gun ownership have lower incidents of violent crime.
> Meanwhile in cities with the strictest gun laws (DC, Chicago) these rates
> continuted to rise.  After Heller and the new stuff gong on in DC since 09
> the violent crime rate has dropped 25%.
> Larry already knows all this.

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