Also long guns are not good for home defense.  Short carbines and shottys
are OK, but a pistol is the right tool.

You have to look at length, noise signature, over penetration, there are a
lot of considerations that go into choosing a defensive weapon vice an
offensive one.

Why do cops carry pistols instead of rifles for the most part?

Because most of the time they are in tight quarters, short range.  Because
you don't want that 5.56 going through your target, through the wall and
into the kid sleeping in the next room.

Additionally concealed carry is actually safer and less provacative than
open carry.
On Oct 25, 2012 12:27 PM, "GMoney" <> wrote:

> On Thu, Oct 25, 2012 at 11:20 AM, LRS Scout <> wrote:
> >
> > The reality is that I personally have used a gun twice to stop violent
> > crime without firing a shot.  One rape and one break in.  A cheap cz-52.
> >
> I have no idea what a cz-52 that a pistol?
> I have no problem with long guns...they have a valid use for hunting and
> home defense. I just think hand guns, short guns which are easy to conceal
> and are lethal at short range, are for the express purpose of causing harm.
> We'd be better off without them.

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