"Didn't Bloomberg outlaw donations to soup kitchens for that asinine

No.  He outlawed soup kitchens.  It's because the salt content might have
been too high in what was served.  That is not a joke.

"They had the number to text donations to the red cross all over the place.
Just because the Red Cross can't pay $million CEO salaries with canned food
doesn't mean it's not needed in the food banks across the area. It's
asinine to attack someone like this for helping those in need."

Be wary of donating cash to any relief efforts.  Haiti is still in shambles
even though hundreds of millions were donated.   Many people are still in
tents, fighting cholera, starving, and wondering why no one will help.



A radical thinks two and two makes five. A liberal is more conservative. he
knows two and two make four, but he's unhappy about it. - Herbert Prochnow

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