A friends wife:

We have extended the donation drive! Tomorrow as well 11-3 at McCanns in
Massapequa 5590 Merrick Road thank you!!! Please copy and re-post to help
those in need right now. Dry food, canned food, cloths, blankets , bottled
water....It's about helping another person in need right now.

On Fri, Nov 2, 2012 at 3:04 PM, LRS Scout <lrssc...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Oh and by the way there are very open public calls for food and other
> donations being made, I've linked stories on my FB and have personal ties
> to the area.
> Food, fuel, blankets and medical supplies are being sought out.
> Why is it that we see the same thing over and over again?
> Under reporting of what should be major national stories time after time,
> while inconsequential nonsense and social/interest pieces end up with top
> billing?
> Could it be the financial concerns in mass media?
> That something like 6 companies own north of 80 or 90% of all the media
> outlets?
> On Fri, Nov 2, 2012 at 2:54 PM, Jerry Barnes <critic...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> "Didn't Bloomberg outlaw donations to soup kitchens for that asinine
>> reason?"
>> No.  He outlawed soup kitchens.  It's because the salt content might have
>> been too high in what was served.  That is not a joke.
>> "They had the number to text donations to the red cross all over the
>> place.
>> Just because the Red Cross can't pay $million CEO salaries with canned
>> food
>> doesn't mean it's not needed in the food banks across the area. It's
>> asinine to attack someone like this for helping those in need."
>> Be wary of donating cash to any relief efforts.  Haiti is still in
>> shambles
>> even though hundreds of millions were donated.   Many people are still in
>> tents, fighting cholera, starving, and wondering why no one will help.
>> https://www.commondreams.org/view/2012/01/03-2
>> J
>> -
>> A radical thinks two and two makes five. A liberal is more conservative.
>> he
>> knows two and two make four, but he's unhappy about it. - Herbert Prochnow

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