The fuel shortages are because many stations have no power to run the
pumps. Not sure why they can't get generators. I know Bloomy has
several massive generators on the side waiting for the f'n marathon.

I'm a Freeport boy myself. They got hit pretty hard.


On Fri, Nov 2, 2012 at 2:59 PM, LRS Scout <> wrote:
> First responders, ER personnel, cops, soldiers, the class that are the real
> servants of the people.......
> We regularly do and see things that are not within the norm for the vast
> majority, and it leaves it's mark.  However, usually the choice to fulfill
> one of these roles is motivated by things higher than ourselves.  The
> feeling of doing good things for a good cause, often unsung, the
> relationships you make with those that share your misery.........
> These things are hard to explain to outsiders.
> We don't say it enough to the daily "grunts" in our lives, but thank you
> for your service, remember the time with pride, and enjoy your success in
> the sure knowledge that you stepped up when it mattered.
> I'm from L.I., N.Y.
> My Mom and her husband and my sister still live in Levittown.  They are
> still on a newly purchased generator (sis works for home depot, they got a
> bad long term credit deal, but they needed it) so they at least have power
> and hot water.  They are sharing it with the neighbors who are paying for
> the fuel.  Local community at it's finest.
> On the flip side there are National Guard guys at some gas stations after
> riots and guns getting pulled over shortages, shortages that don't even
> need to be happening, artificial shortages, when you consider the nations
> strategic reserve of fuels and what even a trickle of that could mean in
> this situation.  Sell it, at fair market value, truck it in.  I know there
> are hundreds of thousands of gallons on Ft. Drum right now.
> My second families, the Healy and O'Toole clans; who I lived with and
> fought with and drank with and still talk shit with are still there.  They
> are OK, but things are far worse than being reported; which seems to the
> norm with modern 4th estate.

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