I was not laughing at voter fraud, nor was I chuckling at your project (I
did read through several, but not all, of the articles).

What stuck me as funny was the overall sentiment of 'I believe X. If you
do not agree, check out this web site (which I operate) for more

I do not think it is outside the realm of possibility that the links you
post would serve to prove your point, as such, it is not unrealistic
for anyone to think that the site and its content may be biased.

The fact that you ask for me to specifically supply you with links to
'Republican voter fraud' could also lead one to perceive that either a) you
do not believe such fraud is perpetrated by Republicans or 2) that you
won't go seek such information on your own.

As for voter fraud itself, regardless of party, it is a disgrace. I
am not sure what the penalty is if convicted, but I assure you, in my mind,
it is not harsh enough.

On Mon, Nov 5, 2012 at 12:03 PM, Jerry Barnes <critic...@gmail.com> wrote:

> "I chuckled a little that one source you want people to look at to help
> prove
> your point is a web site that you manage."
> Did you even look at the site?
> I said it a little project I am working on.  I use it as a place to keep
> notes.  I include election fraud, intimidation, democrats, republicans, and
> so on.  It is not a definitive source for anything.
> Each post is a link to an article.  It is not my original material.
> You can laugh, and most progressive statists do, at election fraud.  I
> don't think it is a laughing matter.
> As stated, you can send me links to Republican voter fraud and I'll be glad
> to post them.  I still have a back log of articles to get through.  If it's
> interesting enough, I'll move it to the top of the list.
> J
> -
> I think the problem with a lot of elites in the Democratic party, quite
> frankly, is they communicate they don't respect people's faith - Joe Biden

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