Fine Justin, here. Oh, I just went to the HOF site and found the discussion. 
Cut and paste.

1. Physical Conditioning: While I do not doubt that there are women in the 
world who can perform as well or better than men in athletics, the majority 
cannot. I'll use the standard Army Physical Fitness standards for males and 
females in the 17-21 age category, which is the age bracket most people join 
the military.

Mens standards:
Pushup event - two minutes - minimum standard is 42, 90% is 64 and 100% is 71
Sit-up event - two minutes - minimum 53, 90% is 72 and 100% is 78
Run event - two miles - minimum is 15:54, 90% is 13:42 and 100% is 13:00

Females standards:
Pushup event - two minutes - minimum standard is 19, 90% is 36 and 100% is 42
Situp event - two minutes - minimum 53, 90% is 72 and 100% is 78
Run event - two miles - minimum is 18:54, 90% is 16:24 and 100% is 15:36

You can clearly see that the pushup and run events are vastly different. The 
only thing that women have to do as well as men is the sit-up event. In fact, a 
female can max her time in a little less than what it takes a male to pass the 
The reason I bring up the 90% range is because in the Infantry, 90%, or a total 
score of 270 is OUR standard. It's not a written official standard, it's the 
standard that we hold ourselves to. One of the reasons is that if you want to 
try out for the Expert Infantryman's Badge, you have to score a MINIMUM of 270 
on the PT test.

2. Now let's get into some other physical aspects of the job.
Infantry often will be walking for miles on end with a rucksack weighing from 
60 - 100 lbs, sometimes more. Soldiers going through Ranger School will carry 
even more weight. That is a lot to ask of a woman who does not have to have the 
same physical endurance level of a man.

Armor has it's own set of challenges. Their ammunition weighs from 41 - 50 lbs 
depending on what type of ammunition it is, and a tank carries 48 rounds. So as 
a loader you would be expected to have to help load 48 rounds into a tank to 
make it ready for combat. And a loader is expected to be able to load a tank in 
a few seconds (that's putting a round in the breach from the ammunition rack). 
This is done in a very confined space and the rounds are awkward to hold. The 
M-2 machine-gun that sits on the commanders cupola weighs in at 84lbs. This has 
to be hoisted up onto the tank, then to the turret, then mounted on the 
machine-gun mount. Not an easy task for a physically fit man.

Artillery has it's own set of challenges as well. Their ammunition weighs in at 
106 lbs and they carry 28 rounds on the vehicle (this is an M-109 Paladin SPH). 
Again the loader is expected to be able to load a round every 15 seconds, 
sometimes faster. 

Tanks and artillery also have a LOT of heavy components to them. Breaking track 
is something that a crew of four men in a tank, three in a Bradley and four in 
a Howitzer, all in top shape struggle to do quickly. 

3. Now let's talk hygiene. We all know that women have special hygienic needs. 
From bathing on a regular basis to managing menses, all of these things that 
are taken for granted at home are a challenge in the field. Often a combat arms 
soldier will go days and weeks, sometimes over a month without a proper shower 
in a training environment. In combat it's worse. At the opening of OEF and OIF 
soldiers often would go weeks without being able to have a proper shower. 
Fortunately for men all we really need are some baby wipes to wipe our pits and 
junk and were good. This is not the case with women. There are studies that 
show that women require more time to clean themselves properly than men do. A 
quick google search will produce a lot of results. 

4. Now lets talk about the general climate of combat arms jobs. These are jobs 
(Infantry, Armor, Artillery, Special Forces, Delta Force, Ranger) that are only 
open to men and thus the workplace is a men only workplace. It's no myth that 
soldiers are crude and obnoxious to the outsider. Infantrymen do some strange 
things and say pretty much anything that is on their minds and no one really 
cares. (And I know some female soldiers who could give a male soldier a run for 
his money on shit talking as well, this is not an area where men have a lock). 
Anyway, there are way too many females in the Army who would be highly offended 
by some of the things we say or do on a regular basis. The words shit and fuck 
are part of everyday vocabulary to us. There is a constant climate of one 
upmanship that is alive and well in the infantry. We all want to be faster, 
better than the man to our right and left. Everything is a competition in the 
infantry, whether it's eating, doing PT or doing regular infantry shit, we are 
ALWAYS competing with each other. 

Now again, with this all being said, I am not saying that there are not SOME 
women out there would could thrive in this environment, but I feel that they 
are the exception and not the norm. The military would be hard pressed not to 
have two standards for men and women. In fact, they already to, the PT test. 
That is a great example of the double-standard that the Army has. 

While Israel is a good example of women performing well in combat arms, again I 
think that they are the exception rather than the norm. Israelis are raised 
with conflict. Men and women there, at least the last couple of generations and 
the generations to come are raised around war. Bombs, shootings and the like. 
They have a different mentality than women in America have (my own opinion not 
based on fact). I honestly believe that women in general in American will fail 
more than succeed if they are held to the same standard as men. Even Ranger 
School, there is no exception to the standard. WHether it is me as a 49 year 
old Infantryman trying out for the coveted Ranger tab, or an 18 year old kid, 
we both have to perform at the same standard, that of the 18 year olds. From my 
experience in my 17+ years in the Army, the standards will be lowered and 
morale will go down if women are allowed in combat arms. '
On Feb 15, 2013, at 2:51 PM, Justin Scott <> wrote:

>> We've already had this discussion.
> I see, you must not feel very strongly about it if you're not even
> willing to give a summary for those like myself who weren't in on the
> prior discussion.  Have a great weekend!
> -Justin

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