Since you can't answer my previous question Maureen, let me ask another.

Do you think that your friend would be OK with being around a bunch of guys in 
the middle of nowhere whipping their dicks out to go pee, or dropping trau to 
take a shit in front of her? Or better yet, would she be OK dropping trau in 
front of said men to pee, shit or change her tampon?

The reason I ask this is because of my recent experience in Afghanistan. We had 
two females, one a medic and one a secret squirrel type that would come on 
patrols with the squads. Physically they had no issues keeping up with us and 
did not complain. However, when one of them had to pee, here is what takes 
place, and I am NOT making this up.

(this is when we are in orchards for our patrol, inside a village is a WHOLE 
other issue).

Squad halts
Mine sweeper dudes have to sweep a perimeter so that the squad can form a 
perimiter around her (100 meter perimeter mind you)
Squad is set in perimeter defense.
Sweeper dude has to sweep a path to the center of the perimeter for said chick.
Sweeper dude then has to come back to the perimeter while said chick pees
Sweeper dude then has to come back to her and lead her out to the perimeter.
Sweeper dudes then clear paths for squad to get back in file.
Continue mission

Same situation now,  with men:
Squad halts
dude whips dick out in place, pees, is happy. 
Continue mission
I have even had guys pissing while we were walking so that they would not hold 
the squad up for even a minute. Women can't do that.

Anyway, point being is that if this is the kind of shit that we have to look 
forward to, then I say let the women do other things and let the men do our 
thing. If however a woman has no issues stopping mid patrol, squatting right 
there with a guy in front of her and a guy in back, then fine, let her in if 
she is qualified in every other way.

On Feb 15, 2013, at 10:59 PM, Maureen <> wrote:

> It should be.  If they can't do the job, they are a danger to themselves
> and their fellow infantry.
> But if they are capable, it's a insult to hold them to a lesser standard.

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