Evidence Noah's Biblical Flood Happened, Says Robert Ballard

The story of Noah's Ark and the Great Flood is one of the most famous from
the Bible, and now an acclaimed underwater archaeologist thinks he has
found proof that the biblical flood was actually based on real events.

"Where I live in Connecticut was ice a mile above my house, all the way
back to the North Pole, about 15 million kilometers, that's a big ice
cube," he said. "But then it started to melt. We're talking about the
floods of our living history."

The water from the melting glaciers began to rush toward the world's
oceans, Ballard said, causing floods all around the world.

"The questions is, was there a mother of all floods," Ballard said.

According to a controversial theory proposed by two Columbia University
scientists, there really was one in the Black Sea region. They believe that
the now-salty Black Sea was once an isolated freshwater lake surrounded by
farmland, until it was flooded by an enormous wall of water from the rising
Mediterranean Sea. The force of the water was two hundred times that of
Niagara Falls, sweeping away everything in its path.


This theory is actually not new.  I saw a documentary on it years ago.



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