Most of the research people talk about for Global Warming shows around 30
yrs of increase when the reality is that it's far too short a time period to
accurately indicate a MAJOR shift in change.  

In the book Dragon's of Eden, Sagan talked a lot about the time period of
the human species representing a single calendar day in the time period that
represents the lifetime of the world.  This is a difficult thing for most
people to comprehend because most can't even fathom what a $1 trillion would
look like.

The scale need to measure climate change over time really needs to be
represented in thousands of years, not hundreds of years.  I'm not saying
that we human's are dumping and polluting the planet, but I certainly think
there is a lot of BS going around to increase control and introduce new
policies.  I'm not a believer in Global Warming on the scale that this

A source to better illustrate my thoughts would be to look at the cycle of
ice ages and Glacial-interglacial cycles over the last few hundred thousand
years.  The research we collect is only seeing peaks and valleys in a really
really small segment of time and hardly represents any solid evidence of
global warming.

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