Me in a nut shell:

Clinton: Disgrace

gun control: enforce laws on the book

homosexuality: You missed that one.  (What you do in the privacy of you
own home should stay that way, private)

Reagan: Great Man

Abortion: Against it, but think education is the problem solver, not
banning it

Taxes: Hey, there goes my money, give it back.  I am for a national
sales tax.

conspiracy theory: Never seen a black helicopter before, have you?

the NEA (National Endowment for the Arts): If you can sell your art,
then you can survive.  If you have to have a handout to survive, it
probably means your art is no good and you should consider another
profession and take up art as a hobby.

welfare reform; get to work, but we will help you out with living as
long as you are working, if you really need it.

Tim Heald

Application Development

Fusebox Advisory Committee Member

Manager Fayetteville ColdFusion User Group

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