>>Brittney (puke) Spears

BLASPEMY!!!  She is the ultimate being!

; )

Seriously, though, I can tolerate the music for the sake of the complete
package.  <drool>


>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Paris Lundis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>>Sent: Thursday, August 22, 2002 9:22 AM
>>To: CF-Community
>>Subject: RE: DOJ to swappers Law's not on your side - Tech News - CNET.com
>>most people like Brittney (puke) Spears and all the vomit sounding
>>mainstream crap...
>>That audience, tasteless as they typically are, incidentally are totally
>>obedient... so no worry about sales staying with them of course...
>>This industry has fought everything from the photocopier to the VCR to
>>decks to CDs to mini discs... etc... they have fought everything....
>>I don't watch television... own a bunch of them but no cable no
>>no interferences...  I boycott them in everyway...
>>Then again, I think any musician in today's age should be promoing and
>>distributing their own albums or doing the Indie circuit...
>>Die Hollywood Die.
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Raymond Camden [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>>Sent: Thursday, August 22, 2002 9:57 AM
>>To: CF-Community
>>Subject: RE: DOJ to swappers Law's not on your side - Tech News -
>>> I am not arguing that piracy should create innovation... And
>>> I don't believe
>>> in a cup of free tea either...
>>Actually, I _do_ think innovation should have been their response - not
>>legislation. But again - there is no law requiring companies to be
>>intelligent. Look at how the movie industry fought against VCRs. You
>>would think they would have learned their lesson...
>>> However, how is it permissible then for a radio station to
>>> broadcast to
>>> everyone in a city? I mean ASCAP or whatever other collection
>>> agency for the
>>> money people in media charge a per song rate... like on the
>>> high side maybe
>>> a $1 per each time a single is played...
>>It's permissible because the copyright owners said that radios could do
>>> Forever, people were encouraged to record music from the
>>> radio and programs
>>Actuall, both the music industry and movie industry fought against this.
>>> from the television... Advertisers paid essentially for the
>>> distribution
>>> channel and a cheap bulk licensing schema.. the consumer has
>>> the rights
>>> under fair use doctrines...
>>> Somehow Disney (who seems to get patent/copyright extensions
>>> forever) along
>>Which is disgusting. I think I read about this on Plastic.com. As soon
>>as the rights for Disney stuff starts to expire, they extend the
>>copyright laws.
>>> It's so bad on paper right now that you can't use a DVD you
>>> bought while
>>> traveling in your DVD because of regional encoding security crap..
>>Agreed - this is stupid.
>>I think the main point I'm trying to make is that these companies are
>>allowed to be stupid. There is no moral obligation to be smart and make
>>consumers happy. There is a simple way to change the music/movie
>>industry. Stop buying CDs and going to the movies. Period. That isn't
>>happening - so I guess the majority of folks are ok with what they are
>>doing. Which is sad - but again - you can't force the majority to see
>>things your way - no matter how right it is.
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