What do you mean 'what if' :)

Angel Stewart wrote:

>Hey ...ya know..umm..
>What if the Bible was just a fairy tale? Sort of a really really old
>equivalent of Lord Of The Rings?
>What would that mean for the current conflict....Hypothetically
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Michael Dinowitz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
>Good question. Unfortunately, the only thing that Muslims can go on as
>the word of God today is the Koran and it has a number of passages where
>1. Israel was given to the Jews 2. Suicide is wrong 3. Killing yourself,
>even if killing one you consider an enemy is wrong 4. Killing women and
>children is wrong 5. Killing those who do not fight (non-combatants like
>the family that was just gunned down) is wrong So according to the word
>of God as they see it, they are in the wrong. As for the Torah, it says
>to drive out the Canaanites and take possession of the land. No
>Canaanites anymore so there's no driving out of anyone. Even when the
>modern state of Israel was founded there was no push to drive the Arabs
>out. That came (to a degree) after constant attacks and wars. BTW,
>Abraham owned huge chunks of the land before the exodus including one
>specific transaction where he bought what is now Hebron.
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