Yeah, we all see how well that policy has worked in Israel....stopped 
all those terrorist attacks cold!  

William Wheatley wrote:

>yea i was gonna post it but didnt want to get in another fight today :)
>Its about time we started doing like isreal and just blowing up these
>maniacs before they can hurt people. And I can just imagine the thoughts
>going through the scumbags heads. Oh look muhameed a childs toy airplane
>flying around possibly training to be a terrorist one day when he grows
>up...then all the sudden OMFG the plane just launched a missile boom toast
>That was just a joke :) I'm sure they didnt even see it coming but hay when
>you think about it i guess the USS Cole didnt see it coming either.
>Lets blow up some more terrorists, i personally feeling boiling them in oil
>is a better alternative but hay it works
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Cantrell, Adam" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: "CF-Community" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Tuesday, November 05, 2002 4:10 PM
>Subject: Robotic assassinations.
>>Surprised nobody has brought up the robotic assassination the CIA
>>on Sunday in Yemen.
>>Basically they used an unmanned Predator aircraft to fire a Hellfire
>>at some terrorists driving in a car.
>>What do you think - cowardly or patriotic?
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