>From a country that has at least one attempted attack a day (and usually more), its actually working rather well. Kill the terrorist leaders and the new ones will have to learn from scratch (and blow themselves up by accident which is often the case). Without the leaders, a parent can say no to someone trying to convince their child to kill. Without the leaders, the rhetoric of hate is lessened and maybe peace can come. Kill the terrorist leaders, show the followers the path that they could follow and many times they will stop.
> Yeah, we all see how well that policy has worked in Israel....stopped > all those terrorist attacks cold! > > William Wheatley wrote: > > >yea i was gonna post it but didnt want to get in another fight today :) > > > >Its about time we started doing like isreal and just blowing up these > >maniacs before they can hurt people. And I can just imagine the thoughts > >going through the scumbags heads. Oh look muhameed a childs toy airplane > >flying around possibly training to be a terrorist one day when he grows > >up...then all the sudden OMFG the plane just launched a missile boom toast > >lol. > > > >That was just a joke :) I'm sure they didnt even see it coming but hay when > >you think about it i guess the USS Cole didnt see it coming either. > > > >Lets blow up some more terrorists, i personally feeling boiling them in oil > >is a better alternative but hay it works ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| Archives: http://www.houseoffusion.com/cf_lists/index.cfm?forumid=5 Subscription: http://www.houseoffusion.com/cf_lists/index.cfm?method=subscribe&forumid=5 Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at http://www.fusionauthority.com/bkinfo.cfm