> This furthers the point I was trying to get across to Beth. That the US
> benefits from instability in that region (re: the oil), and that they
> slowly/indirectly perpetuate it for their own benefit (like a chess
> Aka - taking advantage of the situation.
Quite the opposite. If America did not try to 'force' stability into the
region, there would have been a few more wars over the last few years. Think
of what was said just a few weeks back. If Iraq attacked Israel, they would
retaliate (with a major emphasis on retaliate). Instability in the region
WILL result in a nuclear war. America does not want that. America's been
after appeasing the Arabs for a while now.

> >
> > >
> > > Because the Arabs are in conflict with Israel, they spend
> > that money on
> > > weapons to keep up with Israel's arsenal.
> > Rather than paying for food, clothing, education and
> > everything else that
> > their people actually need. In truth, the Arab arsenal is
> > more than equal to
> > Israel's. There was a nice report about it in the NYTimes
> > (not the most
> > Israel favoring paper in existance). It has nothing to do
> > with 'keeping up'.
> > It has to do with getting ready to remove Israel from the map.
> Mike, we're in agreance again and you're furthering my point. The US
> benefits from them not spending the money on food, clothing, and
But the choice is theres. Israel is this tiny little country with no oil or
major resources. It's grown to be a major player because the people in it
want it to grow. They're not focused on war or something else. Look at all
of the oil rich countries. They could eclipse Israel in standard of living
in a few years if they wanted to. They don't.
Has nothing to do with America but with their own desires for advancement.

> I'm not saying it's Israel's fault at all. I'm saying it's the conflicting
> religions and I've said that all along. I think both sides are acting
> to tell you the truth - I'm not biased :)
And I'm saying it's a lot more than religion. Israel hurt the Arab pride by
existing and kicking their rears many times. Is revenge religious?
(BTW, some of those wars had America on the sidelines withholding support
from Israel.)

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