Michael Dinowitz wrote:

> "Give us the land you won when our Arab brothers last attacked you 
> (which our brothers never gave to us anyway), give us your most holy 
> spot which we neglected for ages, give us all of the resources we want 
> and we'll have peace on paper but will not hold back our people from 
> attacking you". Sounds great. The problem is that they want 
> everything. Every person who left due to war should be returned. This 
> is a deal breaker and the know it. Doing so will mean the end of 
> Israel. Wait! This is what they want. This is why no single Arab 
> country has tried to ease the burden of their Palestinian brothers. 
> This is why there are refuge camps for the last 50 years. Because they 
> expect Israel to be removed and all these poor people pushed back onto
> the land. They don't want to admit Israel exists and will exist.
> Did they offer to return the land and possessions taken from Jews 
> expelled from Arab countries? Is there now a double standard?

I find it interesting that you insist on making the distinction between 
non-religious and religious Israeli, while you continue to label 
everyone else as "the Arabs", without making any distinction between 
their motives and for instance their (lack of) willingness to accept the 
existence of Irsrael.


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