
I'm really late getting into reading this thread, but I *really* liked your 
post, sir...


>From: "Angel Stewart" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: CF-Community <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: RE: Robotic assassinations.
>Date: Wed, 6 Nov 2002 13:04:51 -0400
>Oh? Why is it laughable?
>You're trying to tell me you haven't heard the theory that the US should
>just drop a Nuke on Baghdad and end the whole story with Iraq?
>Heck man..George Carlin said it in a comedy sketch," When we're bored we
>just go over and bomb a lot of brown people"...He's a his
>humor is usually based on something he perceives as being true.
>Are you also going to say that in America these days there isn't a very
>high amount of bias against Muslims and people that appear to be Middle
>My point wasn't that the REASON for the attack was based on
>point was that I am sure that for SOME the gravity of this change in
>American Policy would be lost BECAUSE the men were Middle Eastern, and
>'SUSPECTED' terrorists.
>I also brought up the hypothetical scenario of what if China was 'AT
>WAR' with the Yakuza, and fired an ICBM into Washington to destroy a
>Yakuza convoy after American law enforcement failed to capture the men.
>What would American's think then? That China was protecting its
>interests against a group of Terrorists?
>Do you honestly think that ANY sovereign state would willingly allow a
>foreign country to launch missiles in their territory? Why didn't
>America land a force of their 'Special Forces' to capture the men and
>bring them to trial? Obviously they knew exactly where they would be.
>ALSO ....ALSO....the men were burnt beyond how the hell
>do we now know WHO WAS ACTUALLY IN THE CAR!??
>Perhaps because I went overboard with my imagery the point was lost..but
>there it is.
>P.S. I didn't take anything seriously, nor did I get upset etc. etc.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: William Wheatley [mailto:bill@;]
>and here
>~But I guess it wouldn't matter to the average American..since from
>their ~point of view its probably all a bunch of stinking brown skinned
>Arab ~bastards being killed anyways. Fuck em all and the Muslim monkey
>they ~rode in on hmmmm?
>~Oooh look CNN? See? No American Loss of Life to report to the
>~public....only a lot of bastard brown skinned middle eastern muslim
>The look was that we americans are just some racists and its not true
>and thats what he was basically saying. Oh we were just attackign some
>poor brown skinned insert other slurs here.
>Its laughable and completely untrue.
>When you look at the context of how i used the words you will see you
>were off base.
>Word are too overated. People get too bent out of shape by certain words
>and a word in and of itself is not bad. :)
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