some people are just close minded bigots or trying to make themselves
believe they arent themselves gay!

But that is pretty funny in a sad way that someone so much of a bigot would
take a job at a LGBT site. Guess money is more important, or else he just
wanted to be able to pick on people who were "different" oh well you did the
right thing

----- Original Message -----
From: "Brian Ledwith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "CF-Community" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, November 27, 2002 1:19 PM
Subject: Reason 49er why athletes should stay on the field and away from the

> Leave it to some (insert my distasteful opinion of 'professional' athletes
here) to promote homophobia...
> I strongly agree with the "zero-tolerance attitude toward homophobia and
all other forms of discrimination" concept the author suggests, and simply
cant understand why, as of November 2002, these things haven't been
addressed.  I have a zero-tolerance for this crap, and fired a developer on
the spot after witnessing him "teasing" a lesbian designer working on a
project with him earlier this year.  The irony (it isn't even ironic, just
pathetic) of the situation was that I hired them to work on a LGBT (lesbian,
gay, bisexual and transgender) site for a university in New York.
> Him: "Oh, yeah, a friend of mine is a faggot, so it's okay for me to say
"faggot" in the workplace."
> Me: "Nope, wrong, pack up, get out."
> Him: "But my kidding Noelle about being a dyke was just that, kidding"
> Me: "Nope, wrong, pack up, get out."
> It astonishes me daily how this shit is tolerated.  Don't like gays?
Better yank your kids out of school, because there's a good chance a gay
teacher might work there.  Don't ask a cop for help, (s)he might be gay too.
Got yourself a nice hot latté?  Did the barista have a "I'm not gay" button?
Better not risk it... make it yourself next time.  The doctor, the nurse,
the EMT?  Better not get hurt or sick anytime soon...  How about your
accountant?  The bank teller?  The meat department guy at the grocery store?
> You have a white, a black, a Korean, and someone confined to a wheelchair
in your office... you work with them, you have lunch with them, you are
quite possibly probably friends with them...  But nooooooo, not the 'fag',
he just wants my (pick a part of your anatomy)...
> It's just too bad I cant put a little checkbox on my job applications,
"Are you a gay basher?"
> Anyhow, back to the article...
> From the SF Chronicle (02.11.27):
> "No excuse for 49er's anti-gay comments" by Dave Ford
> THE MOST INFURIATING thing about the case of 49er Garrison Hearst, who
told the Fresno Bee that he didn't "want any faggots on this team," is that
this kind of thing just keeps happening.
> And that likely won't change.
> All of my 45 years I've watched institutions wittingly or unwittingly
sanction homophobia -- from schools doing nothing about bullies calling kids
"faggot" to professional sports teams, like the 49ers, playing down the
effects of such violent language.
> Oh, I know. Hearst apologized Friday and the 49ers expressed contrition.
Blah blah. But before the PR people got to coach Steve Mariucci, he had told
this paper that the team was "too busy trying to block and hit passes to be
involved in a social issue."
> There are those who excuse Hearst's actions by saying some players aren't
the brightest bulbs in the stadium lights. Or they say that some people
don't like the "homosexual lifestyle," or that players shower together and
what happens if a gay man's there?
> Guess what: Those are excuses. They are called excuses because they excuse
behavior. Until the behavior is understood to be inexcusable, the behavior
will continue.
> And violent gay-bashing language is completely and totally inexcusable.
> (By the way, for you straight guys who think that if a gay man showers
near you, he ipso facto wants you: Get over it. We don't.)
> ALTHOUGH 49ERS OWNER John York publicly denounced Hearst's remarks, the
running back received no fine, no suspension.
> I think Hearst should have been fired. The 49ers, other sports teams and
all sports leagues should have a zero-tolerance attitude toward homophobia
and all other forms of discrimination.
> Sports teams should hold mandatory sensitivity training. But they'd be
called "Say These Words in Public and You're Out of Pro Sports Forever"
> I don't care if sports stars are sensitive. Indeed, I don't expect them to
be. I just expect them to be taught not to make the kinds of public comments
that suggest to young males it's acceptable to bash gays -- and that if they
do make those comments, they're history.
> But professional athletes aren't going to change without a compelling
reason. Social pressure isn't enough. Change will come only when the
institutions paying players' salaries create clear consequences for
offensive behavior. Fines and suspensions won't do it. Threaten players'
careers, they'll learn.
> BUT TEAMS WILL change only when they, too, face consequences for their
policies and actions. Sports leagues need to step up and say unequivocally
that, like racism and other forms of discrimination, homophobia has no place
in professional sports. Period.
> This will not happen, of course. Sports leagues are multimillion-dollar
businesses. Fans are customers. As long as some fans agree with the Garrison
Hearsts of the world, sports franchises will not risk losing fan dollars by
confronting tough social issues.
> So teams will hold well-scripted press conferences and say Important
Words. They may throw a few well-aimed public relations dollars to lesbian
and gay charities. Then they will talk about "putting this behind us."
> And everything will seem fine until the next bonehead millionaire athlete
uses a gay slur -- and it just keeps happening.
> Again and again and again.
> E-mail Dave Ford at...
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