 PC133 memory (768MB of ram, 2 256meg and 1 128 meg sticks)
 Drives (since you didn't mention it)
 250W PSU (possible upgrade)

 All new boards out now use DDR instead of PC133
 The P4 sucks with PC133.
 Possible power limitations with 250W.
 $200-$350 price

Possible parts:
 KT133A chipset (AMD-based)
  - Getting really hard to find these days.
  - DO NOT GET Iwill KK-266. Worst board I ever owned.
 KL133 chipset (KT133 with on-board video)
  - Biostar M7VKQ for $53
 SIS730S chipset
  - On-board video again
  - ECS K7SEM $56
 AMD 760MP chipset
  - I don't know where to find one that runs PC133

Do you need to upgrade your PSU? It depends on the use of the system. 300W
is normal these days, but I just put together a system using a 250W that had
an AthlonXP 1.7+, on-board everything, 1 HD and 1 CDRW. It's running fine.

Really, trying to keep your PC133 is the biggest issue. I'm in the same
boat. I've got a half-dozen sticks of it laying around. If you're lucky and
watchful, you can get some good deals on PC2100. I'm putting together a
system and we found some generic stuff on sale at BestBuy for $49 for 256MB
a couple weeks ago. Also, memory typically drops in price after the
holidays. But that's never a sure thing either.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Matthew P. Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, December 18, 2002 9:38 PM
> To: CF-Community
> Subject: OT- low to mid price dev server upgrade
> I've have a several-year-old Micron 667mhz Millennia MAX GS that I am
> currently using as my local development server at home.  Though it still
> <pun>serves</pun> me faithfully, it struggles under the load of cfmx and
> msde.  I am also considering an install of php and mysql.  I would like
> to invest a bit into a good motherboard and processor replacement and
> start with a clean install.
> I currently have 768MB of ram, 2 256meg and 1 128 meg sticks of pc-133,
> which I would like to carry over to the new set-up to keep the upgrade
> cost low.  I am also open to investing in half gig of newer ram, and
> scrapping the old stuff.  Maybe another half gig down the line.
> I am also open to both intel and amd solutions.  My current play/code pc
> is home built, oc'ed amd 2200+ w/ 1 512meg 3500 ram, so I am comfortable
> with installing the components.  I think I will only need to touch the
> motherboard, cpu and power supply.
> I've looked at dual processor boards, but they seem a bit pricey.  I
> think I can get more bang for the buck for a single, older athalon or
> intel chip.  However, it would be fun to set up a dual processor system
> for the first time.
> I will probably have to upgrade the power supply as well, as the current
> one is only a 250W.  So that adds $50 or so to the upgrade, perhaps more
> if I go with a dual processor setup.
> What would you recommend for a good mother board and cpu combo in the
> $200-350 range?  It only needs a pci slot for a lan card(even better an
> integrated lan port), and support for Ultra ATA 133.  Integrated video
> would be ever better, I can get the whole system down to one component
> for motherboard, network, and video.
> Any suggestions are welcome.  Links to your preferred setup on a
> vendor's website are even better.  ;)
> t/
> Matt
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