
George, you stated that very well. It's true - I've found there to be a 
large correlation between people who own SUV's, and people who blindly 
follow the latest fads. They're more willing to compensate their moral 
beliefs in exchange for being part of the newest thing - a "yes man" if you 

There's nothing wrong with consuming things, but damm, at least take into 
account how your consumption affects other things. It's simply a matter of 
cooperating with each other. I would go out on a limb to say that current 
SUV owners, that are somewhat aware of the environmental effects of driving 
one, are the ones whose mothers never taught them how to share as a child. 
All they know is that they're pretty happy now, and screw anyone that says 

This is admittedly a little extreme, but somebody has to be on the other 
side of kevin's arguments ;) 

Larry.  My argument breaks down to more than just wanting to own an SUV.  I have a 
functional need for an SUV.  However, I do feel that if someone wants to own an SUV 
for whatever reason, they should be able to.  This is America, land of choice and free 
markets.  Everyone seems to forget this.  My beef is with individuals who feel that 
they know how to best run everything, IE big government liberals, want to take my tax 
money, because they know how to spend it better, and tell me what I can and can't do, 
and what I should do, because that's what they think.  I won't even get into how 
hypocritcal some of these people are.  In this sense maybe, just maybe I am more 
libertarian.  I am for the least amount of Government possible. 

One of my favorite quotes: "The Government that governs best is the Government that 
governs the least"

And I do share.  I share more than most people I know.   
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