Did you forget there are more 18 wheelers on the highways than SUV's?

What happens when they hit you at 70+ mph?  Better start a campaign to
get them off the road fast!!! Oh, I bet their gas mileage is piss-poor

- j

-----Original Message-----
From: Earl, George [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Wednesday, January 22, 2003 3:51 PM
To: CF-Community
Subject: RE: SUV break?

> For me it not an SUV issue, it's an issue with
> people who think they know better than everyone else, and 
> because they feel this way, they also feel the need to try to 
> impose their beliefs on others. IE I don't drive an SUV so 
> you shouldn't either, regardless of what you are using it 
> for.

I don't think so. I think that it doesn't have anything to do with
knowing better than everyone else. It has to do with feeling safe on the
road when you are surrounded by these monsters that you cannot see
around or through, that have huge blind spots so they cannot see you and
that tend to ride your bumper at 70+ mph with headlights glaring into
your rear view mirror - all of this with usually just one or maybe two
people in the vehicle. I think many of these drivers develop an
arrogance on the road that comes from a misplaced sense of confidence
and safety with the size of these vehicles they are driving. While these
people may in some ways be safer themselves by driving these vehicles
(debatable - see some of the statistics that have been released in the
last week) they are also hazards to those of us who don't drive them. 

You know, driving is the single most dangerous thing most of us do each
day. There is absolutely no guarantee when you pull out of the driveway
each morning that you will get safely where you are going, let alone
that you will return safely home at the end of the day. The fact that
the vast majority of us do only masks the atrocious and abominable state
of driving skills in this country (USA) today. It is a national scandal.
Look at the outcry, fear and attention raised by the 13 sniper deaths in
the D.C. area last Fall. I wonder how many people died or were seriously
maimed in car accidents in that area during that same period of time?
And it's still going on. Where's the outcry over that?


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