Wow, you just don't get it do you? "Mailing List" means I can post whatever
I want. You don't like it, too bad, this is America. Are you mad at the
people who write the posts, or the posts themselves? Are you jealous because
you didn't think to post five times? Would you have us all be limited to one
post at a time? Once again I revert back to the land of the free, free to
post the email of our choice. Don't like it, too bad!

-----Original Message-----
From: Larry C. Lyons [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Wednesday, January 22, 2003 4:38 PM
To: CF-Community
Subject: Re: SUV break?

Geeze Kevin, once was enough. Did you have to repeat yourself four times?


>I don't think so. I think that it doesn't have anything to do with 
>knowing better than everyone else. It has to do with feeling safe on 
>the road when you are surrounded by these monsters that you cannot see 
>around or through, that have huge blind spots so they cannot see you 
>and that tend to ride your bumper at 70+ mph with headlights glaring 
>into your rear view mirror - all of this with usually just one or maybe 
>two people in the vehicle. I think many of these drivers develop an 
>arrogance on the road that comes from a misplaced sense of confidence 
>and safety with the size of these vehicles they are driving. While 
>these people may in some ways be safer themselves by driving these 
>vehicles (debatable - see some of the statistics that have been 
>released in the last week) they are also hazards to those of us who 
>don't drive them.
>Wow, you just don't get it do you? "Free Market" means I can buy
>whatever I want.  You don't like it, too bad, this is America.  Are 
>you mad at the people who drive the vehicles, or the vehicles 
>themselves?  Are you jealous because you don't have one?  Would you 
>have us all be in tin can cars? Once again I revert back to the land 
>of the free, free to drive the car of our choice.  Don't like it, 
>too bad!

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