:) Hrm last i saw 18wheelers don't fall into the SUV category.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Kevin Schmidt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "CF-Community" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, January 22, 2003 2:46 PM
Subject: SUV break?

> //snip
> blah, that's what the market will bare. No, it's not. It's different. I
> federal taxes to keep gas that cheap - it doesn't come from gasoline tax.
> pay federal taxes out of my income to pay for federal highways that I
> use - why shouldn't gas consumers pay for that? I pay for a hugely
> inefficient department of defense to protect our country's access to oil -
> it's not funded by gasoline tax, I pay for that out of my income tax. I'm
> paying extra for you to cheaply drive your tahoe. You should have to pay
> that, not me.
> //snip
> Part of living in America pal.  You think I like paying for Welfare.  I
don't use it so why should I pay for it?
> Also, if you understand, which obviously you don't, basic economics, then
you would know that gas is tied to the price of oil, which is not set by the
US Government, but rather the world market.
> Here i'll make you a deal.  You go a month without using or buying
anything that traveled on the highway.  I hope you like eating dirt and
wiping with leaves.  We all benefit from the highway system, whether you
actually use it or not.
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