Hay, Big Government folks tend to be liberals.  Remember that the
conservatives want smaller government and are trying to do so by giving
everyone their money back through lower taxes ... :-)



-----Original Message-----
From: Haggerty, Mike [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, January 22, 2003 4:04 PM
To: CF-Community
Subject: RE: re SUV break


This is America, land of choice and free markets.  Everyone seems to forget
this.  My beef is with individuals who feel that they know how to best run
everything, IE big government conservatives, want to argue with everyone,
because they know they know everything better, and tell me what I can and
can't do, and what I should do, because that's what they think.  I won't
even get into how hypocritcal some of these people are.  In this sense
maybe, just maybe I am more libertarian.  I am for the least amount of
belligerent self-conceit possible.

And I do share.  I share more than most people I know.

It's true!


-----Original Message-----
From: Kevin Schmidt [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, January 22, 2003 3:55 PM
To: CF-Community
Subject: re SUV break


Wow, you just don't get it do you? "Mailing List" means I can post whatever
I want. You don't like it, too bad, this is America. Are you mad at the
people who write the posts, or the posts themselves? Are you jealous because

you didn't think to post five times? Would you have us all be limited to one

post at a time? Once again I revert back to the land of the free, free to
post the email of our choice. Don't like it, too bad!

Troll alert.  I see you still can't come up with a rational argument, or
even try, but must rely on attacking someone else.

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