> It's not a pipe dream (see Switzerland)

There's no government in Switzerland? =)

> I also do not think anyone has the right to expect me to respect their
> health and welfare as you think I should.

As a realist and from experience, no I don't have any illusions of expection
that people respect each other. It's my understanding that that's why there
are laws.

> I gather you are saying that you are for banning cigarette smoking in
> public then? Otherwise you are stating the obvious.

All I'm asking is, based on the obvious that smoking poisons the immediate
breathing environment and that it is illegal to intentionally poison people
through other means, what is the appropriate social result? Arsenic is
arsenic, no?

> So are fine with the public driving SUV's, but against people smoking
> cigarettes in public? Seems hypocritical to me.

Consistency is the hobgoblin yadda yadda. I'm not 100% on any topic. I'm
actually having fun watching the extreme opinions being bandied about on
both sides. It seems to me though that automobiles serve more of a useful
purpose than public smoking.

> p.s. I do not drive a vehicle, therefore I am holier (and have more
> spending money) than all of thou.

Actually, if there was decent public transportation here, like the Metro or
subway in DC and NY  I would use it all the time. I did the times I was

The lack of public transportation is the flip side of our wide open spaces.


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