>  > Remember that the
>>  conservatives want smaller government and are trying to do so
>>  by giving
>>  everyone their money back through lower taxes ... :-)
>Yes and through building missile defense systems and throwing 60% of the
>federal tax income towards the black hole that is our defense industry. All
>while still being in more debt than a 16 year old with a credit card. Small
>govt. indeed :)

If you look at the actual numbers, over the last 40 years, government 
debt increased under Republican administrations, while it decreased 
under Democratic administrations. The latest CBO and GAO budget 
projections foresee an multi-trillion dollar government deficit. I 
guess that borrow and spend is a lot better than tax and spend to 

>We're to the point where we need to create false reasons to continue the
>republican defense budget. 1944 was 60 years ago guys. 8 whackos in a plane
>does not constitute spending 60% of our tax income on defending the nation.
>Not sure about anyone else, but the last thing I'm afraid of are Iraqi
>paratroopers landing in my backyard like in the movie Red Dawn.

Hey they were cubans not iraqis. And it was Emilio Estivez and 
Patrick Swazey's first film, cheesy as it was.

>I'm more
>afraid of some right wing nut taking one of my emails too seriously and then
>convincing their self that god told them to stalk and kill me.

Sounds like a neighbour of mine when I was living in southwest Virginia.



Larry C. Lyons

Life is Complex. It has both real and imaginary parts.
Chaos, Panic and Disorder. My work here is done.
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