
Umm, I think you really missed something.

In Resolution 1441, the UNSC (Security Council) voted _unanimously_ (15-0)
to require Iraq to completely disarm its WMD or face "serious consequences".

Inspection teams from UN and IAEA were sent in to search.
Initially, the teams got very little cooperation.
Over time, Iraq began gradually giving them more access, still not what was

The U.S. complained that Iraq was not meeting the terms of the resolution.
Several members, notably France and Russia, wanted to give Iraq more time
and send in more inspectors.
The U.S. said this would just allow Iraq to continue dragging its feet,
with no "serious consequences".

France and Russia have lucrative oil production contracts with Iraq, but
the contracts are suspended while there are U.N. sanctions.
If the sanctions were lifted, then France and Russia could make a lot of
If the sanctions continue, or there is a regime change in Baghdad, then
France and Russia lose out.

The U.N. did _not_ "vote AGAINST this".
The U.S. sought a second resolution clarifying the vague language in 1441,
and specifically authorizing force.
France refused, saying it would veto any such second resolution.
The U.S. then said that it was entitled to act under the existing
resolution 1441.


At 02:17 AM 3/22/03 +0000, you wrote:
>maybe I missed something but didnt the UN voted AGAINST this?
>Ben Braver writes:
>> Continuing the metaphor, how 'bout when the police have a warrant to arrest
>> someone for a felony, and some of the officers say they need time to gather
>> more evidence?
>> At 02:33 PM 3/21/03 +0000, you wrote:
>> >The UNSC is the police in that metaphor, and in a way that's exactly
>> >what they are supposed to be.
>> >
>> >-----Original Message-----
>> >From: Haggerty, Mike [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>> >Sent: 21 March 2003 14:26
>> >To: CF-Community
>> >Subject: RE: Prime Minister's Address to the Nation...
>> >
>> >
>> >Since when are we the police?
>> >
>> >Not that I'm taking Saddam's side, that's just a bad metaphor.
>> >
>> >M
>> >
>> >-----Original Message-----
>> >From: Craig Dudley [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>> >Sent: Friday, March 21, 2003 5:01 AM
>> >To: CF-Community
>> >Subject: RE: Prime Minister's Address to the Nation...
>> >
>> >
>> >I can't believe what I'm reading, do you seriously mean that or are you
>> >winding me up?????
>> >
>> >If you're holding a gun and waving it about, and some big police man
>> >tells you to put it down while pointing his bigger gun at you, do you
>> >keep hold of your gun so you can fight back? Or do you do as you're told
>> >and put it down? Anyone with any sense puts his gun down right?
>> >
>> >Scuds are banned under several UNSC resolutions, he said he'd destroyed
>> >them and didn't have any left etc etc, clearly that's utter bs as he's
>> >fired around 10 into Kuwait in the last few days. If he's lied about
>> >Scuds, what else is he lying about? Probably an awful lot, and you see
>> >that as 'Hardly likely to be a big problem', wtf??? Are you on crack
>> >this morning Will?
>> >
>> >Don't get me wrong, war is horrific and I'm seriously concerned about
>> >the timing of the action, perhaps in a few months after the weapons
>> >inspectors realised for sure that Saddam was lying, the whole
>> >international community would have been behind it, but there is no doubt
>> >in my mind that sooner or later this was necessary.
>> >
>> >-----Original Message-----
>> >From: Will Swain [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>> >Sent: 21 March 2003 09:42
>> >To: CF-Community
>> >Subject: RE: Prime Minister's Address to the Nation...
>> >
>> >
>> >Not really. I find it incredible that anyone seriously thought he would
>> >disarm. Would you, with an aggresive force sitting on your doorstep?
>> >That's like saying, how far do you want me to bend over.
>> >
>> >So he has a few scuds? Hardly likely to be a big problem, and lets be
>> >honest, if we weren't invading him we'd never know about them.....
>> >
>> >will
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >-----Original Message-----
>> >From: Craig Dudley [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> >Sent: 21 March 2003 09:34
>> >To: CF-Community
>> >Subject: RE: Prime Minister's Address to the Nation...
>> >
>> >
>> >Hmm, that wasn't the point was it?
>> >
>> >Point is, he's using weapons only hours bfore he swore he didn't have,
>> >extra proof of what kind of man he is, or was (hopefully), and of why he
>> >needs to be dealt with.
>> >
>> >-----Original Message-----
>> >From: Will Swain [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> >Sent: 21 March 2003 09:32
>> >To: CF-Community
>> >Subject: RE: Prime Minister's Address to the Nation...
>> >
>> >
>> >Nope....you don't kick a dog and then complain when it bites you.
>> >
>> >will
>> >
>> >-----Original Message-----
>> >From: Craig Dudley [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> >Sent: 21 March 2003 09:09
>> >To: CF-Community
>> >Subject: RE: Prime Minister's Address to the Nation...
>> >
>> >
>> >Has your opinion now changed at all since Saddam has used 'banned' scud
>> >missiles that he promised he didn't have?
>> >
>> >-----Original Message-----
>> >From: Stephen Collins [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> >Sent: 21 March 2003 02:27
>> >To: CF-Community
>> >Subject: Re: Prime Minister's Address to the Nation...
>> >
>> >
>> >Candace, et al.
>> >
>> >Our Prime Minister is a horrible, xenophobic man whose driving policy
>> >dictate is to be as sycophantic as possible to his masters in the White
>> >House. Popular support for a war on Iraq without explicit, non-vetoed UN
>> >approval is virtually non-existent here, and through his actions, PM
>> >Howard has made Australia an aggressor rogue state, and therefore no
>> >better than the despotic regime in Iraq itself. Today, I am ashamed to
>> >be an Australian. I am ashamed for Australia, the US and the UK.  I can
>> >only hope that the full force of UN sanctions and International Criminal
>> >Court charges are brought heavily upon those in power here and in other
>> >countries who are a part of the so-called "coalition of the willing".
>> >
>> >Not this war
>> >Not in my name
>> >Not without UNSC approval
>> >
>> >Steve Collins (www.stephencollins.org)
>> >--
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
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