1.  Bush couldn't do anything in first two years because nothing would work
2.  Iraq  presented a short opportunity for change that has a very long shot
of succeeding
3.  If US supports ANY military action by either party, is looses the other
party.  At this time, the only chance for peace is to give the new leader a
chance to displace Arafat(spelling way off) and win the majority of
Palestinians to his side.  As discussed in earlier threads, he also has to
deal with funding purse being controlled by Hamas.  Israel preemptively
striking, no matter how justified, does not help this process.


-----Original Message-----
From: Marlon Moyer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, June 11, 2003 11:03 AM
To: CF-Community
Subject: RE: Stuff

It's amazing the double standard that the USA deals.  It's okay for us to
premptively strike a nation believed to harbor wmd and terrorists, but it's
not okay for Israel to strike at known terrorists.

It also floors me that Bush wanted to ignore the Middle East during the
first 2 years of his admin.  Now he thinks he can solve the problem with a
simple 2 page document.

Just my opinion though.


-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Dinowitz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, June 11, 2003 10:37 AM
To: CF-Community
Subject: Stuff

1. In Saudi Arabia all people must show their faces when taking pictures for
official documents. There's a story in 2 Saudi papers on this saying that
wrong for showing 'harsh' Islam.
2. This is just wrong. http://arutzsheva.com/news.php3?id=44809
3. I'm really pissed at the US government for their stupidity (again). A
terrorist who has killed Americans and called for Iraqi suicide bombers was
almost killed and America is upset? This guy is trying to break the American
(not middle east but American) Roadmap. His removal is good for America in
many ways but because it was Israel doing it, its bad. I guess that American
Jews are considered Jews and not Americans.
4. A suicide attack takes more than a few hours of planning. There was just
in Jerusalem that killed at least 13 people. This HAD to have been planned
weeks before, but the media will play it off as a 'revenge' attack.

Personally, I'd say go in and kill every terrorist no matter their age,
religious status, etc. Israel will be lambasted for it anyway so why not
say screw the world, we're doing it. I'd have no problem shooting every gun
toting celebrant at a suicide bombers funeral.
Have gun? Support terrorists? die.

And yes, if America every gets off their @ss and goes after the Saudi
funders of
the 9/11 attack, I think they should be fed to dogs while alive and their
then fed to pigs. Terrorists are terrorists no matter if they kill Jews or
But we're soft for oil.

Michael Dinowitz
Master of the House of Fusion
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