Math is only cool if one of two things is true:
1) you're a freak like me and just think that math is damn spiffy
2) someone shows you how to use it to your advantage

You'd be surprised how many would-be carpenters suddenly take an interest in
trig when you start using roofs as examples.  :-)

--  Ben Doom
    Programmer & General Lackey
    Moonbow Software, Inc

: -----Original Message-----
: From: Kevin Graeme [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
: Sent: Friday, June 13, 2003 2:29 PM
: To: CF-Community
: Subject: RE: tribes question - annihilation server configuration
: Yeah, that's it. It's really hard to know how impressive this is. There
: are lots of step-by-step instructions on gaming forums on what to do,
: but if he's writing his own just by looking at the code there, then
: that's a bit more impressive.
: As Adam mentioned, it's quite similar to the skills for doing other
: server configuration, so in that respect it's potentially useful. But I
: was coding games at age 12 by copying code from books. I was impressed
: that my Lunar Lander worked, but really I was just a keyboard parrot.
: You could mention that he has done some server configuration on his own
: time, but I wouldn't go into the details. And I don't see anything there
: that stands in for math skills.
: I know the math geeks here might have something to say about his lack of
: interest in math, but I'll chime in from the perspective of someone with
: poor math skills. I didn't get much more than basic algebra and geometry
: and I find that it has sorely hindered some basic things I'd like to do.
: And as with any skill, unpracticed they atrophy. So since my match
: skills at their height weren't that great, they have only gotten worse
: with time.
: -Kevin
: > -----Original Message-----
: > From: Dana Tierney [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
: > Sent: Friday, June 13, 2003 12:54 PM
: > To: CF-Community
: > Subject: Re: tribes question - annihilation server configuration
: >
: >
: > He is "modding" a file. Here are the first few lines of it.
: > (He left it in
: > my test editor)
: > ___________________________
: > //bindAction(mouse0, zaxis0, TO, IDACTION_INC_SNIPER_FOV,
: > 1.000000); //bindAction(mouse0, zaxis1, TO,
: > IDACTION_INC_SNIPER_FOV, -1.000000);
: >
: > //bindCommand(mouse0, zaxis0, TO, "nextWeapon();");
: > //bindCommand(mouse0, zaxis1, TO, "prevWeapon();");
: >
: > //Control::getPosition //Persistent::TaggedClass<MissionCenterPos>
: > //Control::setValue Control::getValue
: > //Control::getExtent Control::setExtent
: > //Control::setText Control::getText TextList::Clear
: > TextList::AddLine //hitShapeName //baseDamageType //whirSound
: > // // //newObject("MissionCenter", MissionCenterPos, -(%tw /
: > 2), -(%tw / 2), %tw,
: > %tw);
: > //addToSet("MissionGroup\\World", "MissionCenter");
: > //
: >
: > // functions by Plasmatic
: > function dance()
: > {
: >     if($dance)
: >             $dance = false;
: >     else
: >     {
: >             $dance = true;
: >             getdown(%anim);
: >     }
: >
: > _________________________________
: >
: >
: > He just turned 13 btw, which is no doubt the objection to trying to
: > graduate him. Still, his academics are college level
: > everywhere but math,
: > and his attitude towards math is that he doesn't see the need
: > for anything
: > more than simple algebra. I figure, if he can pass a GED even if
: > ingloriously why not let him do so? If he is doing ballistics
: > in his games
: > he will see the point of calculus soon enough. Alternatively
: > I may just
: > enroll him and the heck with the GED. I asked him about this
: > and he is
: > interested.
: >
: > I am still interested in any comments btw. I won't be leaving for the
: > appointment for a couple of hours.
: >
: > Thanks
: > Dana
: >
: > On Fri, 13 Jun 2003 13:35:41 -0400, cantrl. a <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
: > wrote:
: >
: > > I would say this is pretty good for somebody still in
: > school. A lot of
: > > maintaining a *nix server is reading sometimes cryptic
: > documentation and
: > > then editing even more cryptic configuration files. Instead
: > of setting up
: > > an online game it's web servers, databases, and email
: > systems. People who
: > > read documentation and then independently take on applying
: > what they've
: > > read without getting frustrated or scared are a pretty rare find.
: > >
: > > Now if you came home and he was writing custom maps and game mods -
: > > that
: > > would be something to really brag about.
: > >
: > > Adam.
: > >
: > >
: > >> I am not a fan of first person shooter games (I can hear
: > you all out
: > >> there going're kidding... really?) :) I do
: > have a question
: > >> about Tribes that someone here may be able to answer.
: > >>
: > >> My son is an avid Tribes player. I think I have mentioned
: > here before
: > >> that I homeschool. I need to have a chat with someone about his
: > >> academics tomorrow as I am thinking, if he is willing to
: > get serious
: > >> about his math, that he would be best off just writing
: > SATs and/or a GED
: > >> and enrolling in a computer science curriculum, which
: > seems to be where
: > >> he wants to go. The thing is the school system here
: > apparently requires
: > >> some sort of permit to graduate early (which I think is
: > really dumb) and
: > >> I am liable to need some professionals backing me to get
: > it. Thus the
: > >> conversation tomorrow.
: > >>
: > >> On to the tribes question. He has taken to modifying the
: > >> configuration
: > >> files, and I would like an idea how impressed I should be
: > by this. Is
: > >> this common practice, or something he would find a
: > cookbook for on one
: > >> of the gamer sites? In other words, is he just good at following
: > >> instructions or is he actually reading code? What is
: > Tribes written in
: > >> anyway?
: > >> Anyone know? I had assumed he was working through some
: > sort of UI but
: > >> what he was looking at earlier looked java-ish. I don't
: > want to embarass
: > >> myself by citing this tomorrow if it's something pretty
: > easy to do and I
: > >> just don't know it cause I don't play the thing. If that's
: > the case I
: > >> will just stick to the hardware skills when I brag about
: > his computer
: > >> knowledge <g>
: > >>
: > >> Thanks for any answers,
: > >> Dana
: > >> -- Mr Jones and me
: > >> We're stumbling through the barrio....
: > >>
: > >
: >

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