: All the rest of your suggestions are very well taken. I was considering
: some real investment in the stock market myself (I think
: Genentech may have
: good long-term value) and it might be fun. If you have any more thoughts
: let me know.

I'm currently still investing in furniture.  :-)  This is what it is to be
23 and newly financially independent.  On the upside, should I need to, I
could put all my liquid assets in one pocket....

: As for his taste in music -- I am convinced he listens to Eminem to annoy
: me but as rebellions go I will take it any day over something
: like smoking.
: I just retaliate with a few reiterations of "Turn On Your Lovelight,"
: especially the version with Janis Joplin :) We have had some interesting
: discussions about music. ("Mom, who is Ringo Starr? OK...who are the
: Beatles?")  He also thinks Bob Dylan can't sing. What can I say,
: I love him
: anyway :)

A couple of things:
1)  Yeah, he likes that Eminem annoys you.  I would have at 13.  Just keep
him out of Lords of Acid until he turns 17 or so.  :-)
2)  If he's like me, Janis Joplin is /not/ a punishment, though he may
pretend it is.  Rosemary Clooney, on the other hand...  *shudder*
3)  Bob Dylan /can't/ sing.  The man can write an awesome song, no doubt,
but it's not until someone rerecords it that I know what the hell it says.
:-\  And yeah, there are some exceptions, but for the most part the man just
mumbles along.


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