> but at least I know it.  :-)  Anyhow, at 13 I probably could have taken
> college-level classes, but would not have been able to interact with people
> in their late teens, much less know how to deal with them when the looked
> down on me.  Again, I'm not trying to speak for your kid, only about my
> past, and maybe give you something to think about.

It's a reasonable concern. I am not sure I agree with her but it's a
reasonable position. My disagreement is irrelevant however. Any enrollment
would have to go through her and she has said she won't even consider it
for another year, and only then if there are lots and lots of objective
data, like ACT exams for example. IT institutes are probably not the answer
as the idea was to show him that once you get through the boring stuff in
high school there is a lot of interesting stuff that happens in college,
and a lot of it is stuff you just stumble over while walking around campus.

However, one benefit of the issue being raised is that he now realizes he
is not necessarily condemned to four years of writing paragraphs and being
held back by other people. He found and has started using an SAT/ACT
practice site. I may take the animation classes this fall, as I said, and
use him as my guinea pig. Hopefully that will expose him to a couple of

 For calculus, try any game requiring accurate throwing or catching.  :-)
> I got my 13-year old sister hooked on SimCity.  She also likes the Sims, but
> only because she likes to build them houses.  Besides blowing up virtual
> enemies, what is your son into?  I'm sure that in a group this diverse,
> someone can think of (reasonable educational) games to match his interests.

Been there. He retired as the SimCity equivalent of Bill Gates. Said it was
too easy to make money and uninstalled it, much to the fury of his sister
:) He likes Roller Coaster and Zoo Tycoon, Starsiege, and emulators of all
types. Age of Empires, Age of Conquest, Worms in all flavors. Also mp3s,
mostly rap.

Appreciate any thoughts.


But I don't make films
But if I did they'd have a samurai - Bare Naked Ladies

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