the breastfeeding lady? Was this supposed to be like a nurse or something? Again, I uh, can't reconcile this with my experience. But then ppl wonder where women get the idea that good mothers bottle-feed. The fem-nazi stuff I was talking about was on a homeschooling list, where most subscribers are mothers. While I really do think that breast feeding is the way to go, I would never make fun of or belittle somebody that was unable to get their mind around it. Mothers have enough conflicting messages thrown at them.


> I am having a difficult time separating reality from Law and Order
> these days...rofl
> I think the baby was a few weeks old, the girl took him to the
> breastfeeding lady because he wasn't latching on.
> Then, the lady degraded her and she decided not to go back, regardless
> of the fact that she didn't have the hang of it.
> Then, the next excuse was that the doctor wouldn't see tha child
> because the girl hadn't gotten her medical card yet.
> The interesting part was that the father lived there as well, and I
> felt he should have been held just as responsible. They argued that
> the mother is still the primary caregiver.
> Candace K. Cottrell, Web Developer
> The Children's Medical Center
> One Children's Plaza
> Dayton, OH 45404
> 937-641-4293

> >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 2/4/2004 2:21:40 PM >>>
> I have actually seen discussions where people got very
> dogmatic/defensive about the whole thing. That's about the way it does
> go... but I question the realism of the episode. Newborn babies get
> weighed a LOT, for exactly this reason. Just to be paranoid... I
> wonder who the sponsors were? LOL.
> Dana
> > I just saw a Law and Order *chuckle* where this young mother was
> > bullied into not bottlefeeding by this breastfeeding Nazi and the
> kid
> > ended up starving to death. She told her she was a bad mother, etc.
> >
> > Now, I agree that if it came down to that, she should have had the
> > common sense to feed the baby some formula. Obviously.
> >
> > Candace K. Cottrell, Web Developer
> > The Children's Medical Center
> > One Children's Plaza
> > Dayton, OH 45404
> > 937-641-4293
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 2/4/2004 2:05:08 PM >>>
> > Amen to all of this. Though I do think it is also wrong when a bunch
> > of women start telling mothers who bottlefeed that they are
> neglectful
> > or something. I personally thing breastfeeding is a no-brainer -
> > better for both mother and child, cheaper... what's not to like? But
> I
> > stay away
> > from telling other people how to be a mother. Too much of that going
> > around already.
> >
> > Dana
> >
> > > I think breastfeeding should be permitted anywhere it's safe.
> > > E.g., in a car, but not while the driver <g>.
> > > In a restaurant, but not if you're the waitress at the time.
> > > And out of courtesy to more modest people, making an attempt to be
> > > discreet (semi-covered) would be nice, but only until our society
> > has
> > > matured enough for two things to happen:
> > > (1) healthy breast feeding to be the norm, not bottle feeding
> > > (2) people to realize it's God's design, normal, and beautiful,
> > *not*
> > > "sexual", and not be uptight about it.
> > > Yeah, like I'm goin' to hold my breath...
> > >
> > > Probably all the uptightniks had mothers who looked like Dolly
> > Parton,
> > > but were bottle-fed, and have never gotten over the envy...
> > > ;-)
> > >
> > > -Ben
> > >
> > >
> > > >From: "dana tierney"
> > > >> I never had anyone threaten to call the cops, but I did have
> > people
> > > tell
> > > >me very strongly that this was not something that should happen
> in
> > a
> > > car, a
> > > >restaurant, a park etc. Apparently the kid should stay hungry
> until
> > I
> > > got
> > > >home.
> > > >
> > > >Interesting. I've never had anyone say anything to me. But, I
> think
> > I
> > > live
> > > >in a relatively liberal town. Well, except Kevin. I think he
> said
> > > >"eeeewwwww" once. But, I just told him that if he didn't like it
> he
> >
> > > could go
> > > >away. :P
> > > >
> > >
> >
> >
> >
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