sounds like she wasn't much of an advocate.

I wasn't picking on you, just thinking that a show like that sends an unfortunate message. Like, if you can't do this, people will make fun of you. The most frequent reason I have ever heard for not breast feeding is exactly that, can't make it work and/or don't know how. Followed by I am just not going to do that, but that's a different story.

There is a concern that the breastfed child may not get enough to eat, since unlike bottles it is hard to measure amounts of breast milk. But I had it very very drilled into me to call the doctor if the kid wasn't needing diaper changes. And there are a LOT of new-baby appointments, that presumably would catch this. When it comes to babies there are clinics, medical card or no medical card, and it would seem like if the mother was really young she might get put in one of those mentoring programs....

Btw if the show said the father was not responsible I disagree with that too, he is a parent who should be looking out for his child. The year I left Maryland there was a real-life case where the children died in a car accident because the father was drunk, and they prosecuted the mother for letting him take them. Even though there was a court order for visitation, I think. Harsh, but I agree with that. If the mother had had more backbone the kids might be alive.


> lol... you can tell I don't have kids...
> the breastfeeding lady = a breastfeeding advocate that worked at the
> hospital and educated mothers
> Candace K. Cottrell, Web Developer
> The Children's Medical Center
> One Children's Plaza
> Dayton, OH 45404
> 937-641-4293

> >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 2/4/2004 2:54:19 PM >>>
> the breastfeeding lady? Was this supposed to be like a nurse or
> something? Again, I uh, can't reconcile this with my experience. But
> then ppl wonder where women get the idea that good mothers bottle-feed.
> The fem-nazi stuff I was talking about was on a homeschooling list,
> where most subscribers are mothers. While I really do think that
> breast feeding is the way to go, I would never make fun of or belittle
> somebody that was unable to get their mind around it. Mothers have
> enough conflicting messages thrown at them.
> Dana
> > I am having a difficult time separating reality from Law and Order
> > these days...rofl
> >
> > I think the baby was a few weeks old, the girl took him to the
> > breastfeeding lady because he wasn't latching on.
> > Then, the lady degraded her and she decided not to go back,
> regardless
> > of the fact that she didn't have the hang of it.
> > Then, the next excuse was that the doctor wouldn't see tha child
> > because the girl hadn't gotten her medical card yet.
> > The interesting part was that the father lived there as well, and I
> > felt he should have been held just as responsible. They argued that
> > the mother is still the primary caregiver.
> >
> > Candace K. Cottrell, Web Developer
> > The Children's Medical Center
> > One Children's Plaza
> > Dayton, OH 45404
> > 937-641-4293
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 2/4/2004 2:21:40 PM >>>
> > I have actually seen discussions where people got very
> > dogmatic/defensive about the whole thing. That's about the way it
> does
> > go... but I question the realism of the episode. Newborn babies get
> > weighed a LOT, for exactly this reason. Just to be paranoid... I
> > wonder who the sponsors were? LOL.
> >
> > Dana
> >
> > > I just saw a Law and Order *chuckle* where this young mother was
> > > bullied into not bottlefeeding by this breastfeeding Nazi and the
> > kid
> > > ended up starving to death. She told her she was a bad mother, etc.
> > >
> >
> >
> > > Now, I agree that if it came down to that, she should have had the
> > > common sense to feed the baby some formula. Obviously.
> > >
> > > Candace K. Cottrell, Web Developer
> > > The Children's Medical Center
> > > One Children's Plaza
> > > Dayton, OH 45404
> > > 937-641-4293
> > >
> > >
> >
> >
> > >
> > >
> > > >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 2/4/2004 2:05:08 PM >>>
> > > Amen to all of this. Though I do think it is also wrong when a
> bunch
> >
> > > of women start telling mothers who bottlefeed that they are
> > neglectful
> > > or something. I personally thing breastfeeding is a no-brainer -
> > > better for both mother and child, cheaper... what's not to like?
> But
> > I
> > > stay away
> > > from telling other people how to be a mother. Too much of that
> going
> >
> > > around already.
> > >
> > > Dana
> > >
> > > > I think breastfeeding should be permitted anywhere it's safe.
> > > > E.g., in a car, but not while the driver <g>.
> > > > In a restaurant, but not if you're the waitress at the time.
> > > > And out of courtesy to more modest people, making an attempt to
> be
> >
> > > > discreet (semi-covered) would be nice, but only until our
> society
> >
> > > has
> > > > matured enough for two things to happen:
> > > > (1) healthy breast feeding to be the norm, not bottle feeding
> > > > (2) people to realize it's God's design, normal, and beautiful,
> > > *not*
> > > > "sexual", and not be uptight about it.
> > > > Yeah, like I'm goin' to hold my breath...
> > > >
> > > > Probably all the uptightniks had mothers who looked like Dolly
> > > Parton,
> > > > but were bottle-fed, and have never gotten over the envy...
> > > > ;-)
> > > >
> > > > -Ben
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > >From: "dana tierney"
> > > > >> I never had anyone threaten to call the cops, but I did have
> > > people
> > > > tell
> > > > >me very strongly that this was not something that should happen
> > in
> > > a
> > > > car, a
> > > > >restaurant, a park etc. Apparently the kid should stay hungry
> > until
> > > I
> > > > got
> > > > >home.
> > > > >
> > > > >Interesting. I've never had anyone say anything to me. But, I
> > think
> > > I
> > > > live
> > > > >in a relatively liberal town. Well, except Kevin. I think he
> > said
> > > > >"eeeewwwww" once. But, I just told him that if he didn't like
> it
> > he
> > >
> > > > could go
> > > > >away. :P
> > > > >
> > > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> >
> >
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