I had a problem like this a year ago, and while I use Sprint PCS, I called the
Sprint customer service number and they walked me all the way through making the

Another time, I just punched "0" and the operator made the connection for me.

I also realize your mileage may vary......:-)


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  ----- Original Message -----
  From: dana tierney
  To: CF-Community
  Sent: Monday, February 09, 2004 8:09 AM
  Subject: Re:soliciting...

  I have a feeling I am missing something really basic here. Someone gave me the
number for the Philippine General Hospital, and *that* is seven digits, preceded
by 011 for international, 63 for philippines and 2 for Manila. OK so... the
number Pauls mom gave me is seven digits preceded by a four digits. Calling this
preceded ny 632 gets me the funky message. Can it possibly be that the
four-digit prefix someone how substitutes for the city/country code? Cause...
cell phones are different there?


  Also what's the message length limit on SMS, anyone know? I suspect that that
is what she is using. Does it ring? I hate the idea of her saving up money to go
to an internet cafe.

  If it tells anyone anything, the email I got was from

  Feeling dumb is not being able to make a phone call, even when the callee's
brother gives her a cell phone.


  > as several short messages. I can't get through on this number she gave
  > me; I get a message that the destination is not available for
  > subscriber dialing. I thought it was the funky little long-distance
  > company that we use here at the office but I got myself an AT&T phone
  > card and it's still telling me the same thing. If anyone knows what
  > that is about pls let me know :)
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