Dana, have you tried Miracle Flights for Kids? They are a non-profit organization that arranges for kids in other countries to be taken by plane to where they can get treatment. They might be able to help too. I think that they pay for the plane ticket ...

----- Original Message -----
From: "dana tierney" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "CF-Community" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, February 07, 2004 9:08 PM
Subject: Re:soliciting...

> We are up to $233 actually received at the paypal account. I am still trying to reach the mother, who probably has *some* money available for this, but realistically she is likely to need to buy medecine and honestly I think he is going to need to come to the States for treatment.
> But! I am not a doctor, and even the doctors are not commenting until they see the tests. On the bright side, one of the prune belly people who doesn't have much money does have some time for this, so she is gonna help out with researching what airline might donate a plane ticket and stuff like that.
> Dana
> >  So are we still a little short?  Come on guys, I'm sure a couple of
> > you have a $20 laying around somewhere not doing anything useful...
> >
> > Not to be an ass, I'm just playing and all.
> >
> > I'll kick in the difference if we can't come up with it here.
> >
> > Share the love!  :)
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: dana  tierney
> > To: CF-Community
> > Sent: 2/6/04 3:39 PM
> > Subject: Re:soliciting...
> >
> > update: $25 from a HoF list regular, $35 from one of the volunteers
> > at
> > prunebelly. New total = $224. Was not able to reach Paul's mother
> > last
> > night, will try tonight.
> >
> > Dana
> >
> > > (I figure that will get some clicks)
> > >
> > > Anyway... Paul Estares is sick now.
> > >
> > > He's this Filipino kid I've been trying to get to medical help. I've
> >
> > > been making phone calls and sending emails on behalf of his Mom, and
> >
> > > it seems that she can get discounted care, but not free. No Medicaid
> >
> > > there. Social services there is saying, well, his case is
> > complicated.
> >
> > > I am getting this from social service organizations over there too.
> > It
> >
> > > seems they have decided that keeping him alive costs too much. His
> > > parents are not rich people. The dad drives a taxi. They live
> > outside
> > > Manila in a neighborhood where the nearest phone is several blocks
> > > away.
> > >
> > > Paul was supposed to get some lab tests late last year, which had to
> >
> > > be cancelled when his parents could not come up with the money - 15,
> >
> > > 000 pesos, which turns out to be $268 US. His Mom wants me to get
> > him
> > > to the US for treatment, but I figure, first let's just get the
> > tests
> > > done. Maybe he only needs a different antibiotic.  So I am passing
> > the
> >
> > > hat, here and over at prunebelly.org.
> > >
> > > C'mon you guys, let's just do it :)
> > >
> > > If he turns out to need more medical care than a change of
> > antibiotic
> > > then I will make some more phone calls and send some more emails and
> >
> > > try to get some airline to donate a ticket and find out what he
> > needs
> > > for a medical visa (unless Tim can tell me). But who knows, maybe
> > > that's all he needs and we can solve the whole problem right here,
> > > before the PBSN people even get back to me. I would get some grins
> > out
> >
> > > of that.
> > >
> > > Some cynic out there is probably thinking that I am being scammed. I
> >
> > > don't think so. I have talked to the pediatric urologist that did
> > > surgery when he was a baby. One of the doctors I sent email to has
> > > managed to get the mother on the phone, and that doctor thinks the
> > kid
> >
> > > needs to get to the States.  I don't want use HoF bandwidth to post
> >
> > > all the emails I have about this, but if anyone would like to look
> > at
> > > them, I do have all of them here.
> > >
> > > I have started a Paypal account for the PBSN Children's Medical Fund,
> >
> > > under [EMAIL PROTECTED] Paul is the current applicant.
> > Should
> > > the account receive funds in excess of what is needed for Paul's lab
> >
> > > tests they will be applied to his medical bills if applicable. If I
> >
> > > wind up with a surplus beyond Paul's medical needs I will let it
> > earn
> > > interest and use it for similar children. The issue of prune belly
> > > children in third-world countries, and in the US without insurance,
> >
> > > has come up before from time to time. I will pay out from the
> > account
> > > only to a medical facility or pharmacy.
> > >
> > > By the way the PBSN (prunebelly.org) is a non-profit organization
> > duly
> >
> > > registered with the United States federal government, and all
> > > contributions are tax-deductible as charitable donations from your
> > > United States taxes. I will make sure that any donor that wants one
> >
> > > gets a pretty little receipt from our treasurer.
> > >
> > > Thank you,
> > >
> > > Dana
> > _____  
> >
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