thank you guys :) and thank you also to the lurker who also sent in some cash. Since you aren't commenting publicly, I dunno if you want to be identified.

So, update: the account now has $92. Not bad for a morning's work. Let's keep it up!

When I did the currency conversion I was like, you know, I have bothered three medical societies, several social service agencies, the US, Australian and Japanese Agencies for International Development, we are still farting around, and the immediate problem is only $268 bucks? If I had known that when I got my tax refund I would have just taken care of it, and refrained from investigating casino slots :)

Anyway. For the person who doesn't have Paypal or a credit card, the mailing address is 801 Encino Pl Suite B3, Albuquerque NM 87102.

Thanks again. I'd love to tell his mom we have the tests covered. I try to imagine what she is going through and my mind just refuses.


>Ah, but would you have donated anything if Sandy and I hadn't created some
>level of a movement?  So in fact WE created pain for you!
>  -----Original Message-----
>  From: Smith, Matthew P -CONT(CSC) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  Sent: Thursday, February 05, 2004 9:30 AM
>  To: CF-Community
>  Subject: RE: soliciting...
>  I sent $26.  Mu-hahahaha....
>  Hey, kick it up a buck each time.  Late comers feel the pain.  :-)
>  I shall now go bask in my superior charity.  j/k
>  Thanks for setting this up for him, Dana.  I love it when an online
>community can come together to do something good.
>  Matthew
>  -----Original Message-----
>  From: Andy Ousterhout [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  Sent: Thursday, February 05, 2004 8:31 AM
>  To: CF-Community
>  Subject: RE: soliciting...
>  I've matched that.
>    -----Original Message-----
>    From: Sandy Clark [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>    Sent: Thursday, February 05, 2004 7:06 AM
>    To: CF-Community
>    Subject: RE: soliciting...
>    Dana,
>    I trust you.  I'll donate $25
>    Please send pretty certificate. Paypal has my address.
>    Sandy
>      _____
>    From: dana tierney [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>    Sent: Thursday, February 05, 2004 1:28 AM
>    To: CF-Community
>    Subject: soliciting...
>    (I figure that will get some clicks)
>    Anyway... Paul Estares is sick now.
>    He's this Filipino kid I've been trying to get to medical help. I've been
>    making phone calls and sending emails on behalf of his Mom, and it seems
>    that she can get discounted care, but not free. No Medicaid there. Social
>    services there is saying, well, his case is complicated. I am getting this
>    from social service organizations over there too. It seems they have
>    that keeping him alive costs too much. His parents are not rich people.
>    dad drives a taxi. They live outside Manila in a neighborhood where the
>    nearest phone is several blocks away.
>    Paul was supposed to get some lab tests late last year, which had to be
>    cancelled when his parents could not come up with the money - 15,000
>    which turns out to be $268 US. His Mom wants me to get him to the US for
>    treatment, but I figure, first let's just get the tests done. Maybe he
>    needs a different antibiotic.  So I am passing the hat, here and over at
>    C'mon you guys, let's just do it :)
>    If he turns out to need more medical care than a change of antibiotic then
>    will make some more phone calls and send some more emails and try to get
>    some airline to donate a ticket and find out what he needs for a medical
>    visa (unless Tim can tell me). But who knows, maybe that's all he needs
>    we can solve the whole problem right here, before the PBSN people even get
>    back to me. I would get some grins out of that.
>    Some cynic out there is probably thinking that I am being scammed. I don't
>    think so. I have talked to the pediatric urologist that did surgery when
>    was a baby. One of the doctors I sent email to has managed to get the
>    on the phone, and that doctor thinks the kid needs to get to the States.
>    don't want use HoF bandwidth to post all the emails I have about this, but
>    if anyone would like to look at them, I do have all of them here.
>    I have started a Paypal account for the PBSN Children's Medical Fund,
>    [EMAIL PROTECTED] Paul is the current applicant. Should the
>    receive funds in excess of what is needed for Paul's lab tests they will
>    applied to his medical bills if applicable. If I wind up with a surplus
>    beyond Paul's medical needs I will let it earn interest and use it for
>    similar children. The issue of prune belly children in third-world
>    countries, and in the US without insurance, has come up before from time
>    time. I will pay out from the account only to a medical facility or
>    pharmacy.
>    By the way the PBSN ( is a non-profit organization duly
>    registered with the United States federal government, and all
>    are tax-deductible as charitable donations from your United States taxes.
>    will make sure that any donor that wants one gets a pretty little receipt
>    from our treasurer.
>    Thank you,
>    Dana
>      _____
>    _____
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