It's strange. My dreams usually aren't nightmares, just really idiotic

Like last night I dreamed the lady I am working with on a Chemo project
went to work for CDW in a building that I was in in a dream a few months
ago. I was there interviewing for a .NET job. I saw myself sitting on a
large stone porch in what looked like St. Louis.

Then I was in Rite Aid, but the store was closed and there was nothing
on the shelves except some haircolor. The guy who worked there told me
they were 50 cents each, that Rite Aid was shutting its doors and going
out of business because of something that happened in Japan. So I was
looking at the boxes of haircolor and a few of them were missing the
color tube. So I checked through them, and ended up buying a bunch.

Then there was like a flash intro with one of my best friends and her
hubby talking about how she left him but they were still friends.  Red
background with her picture smiling, words going across the screen like
a flash movie.

Then I was in a mall where there was a food court and then you could go
outside and get pizza.  My friend's hubby was there, but he was wearing

OK, maybe I am just crazy. LOL

Candace K. Cottrell, Web Developer
The Children's Medical Center
One Children's Plaza
Dayton, OH 45404

"There is no right price for the wrong product, even if it is
inexpensive and delivered on time."
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