grace to get things done. Keeping the law is not faith. No one is good,
not >even one. If we could be "good" by trying harder, Christ would not
have had to come as our sacrifice. No amount of Hail Mary's will make you
>better, only faith in the Lord's blood will wash you clean. (That is a
whole other email).
The Jewish take is of course quite the opposite. "To obey the word of the
lord is better than all the burn offerings you may give" (paraphrased)
>There are verses about there being one mediator between God and Man the man
Jesus Christ. When we mess up, we should all make confession >directly to
God through Jesus Christ. (Without the shedding of blood there can be no
forgiveness of sins. Hebrews 9 and Leviticus 17- but that is a >whole other
topic. If we came to God directly we would be burnt to a crisp). There
should not be confessing to a priest.
Not true. There were grain offerings and the ability to give money in place
of offerings. Blood IS NOT required. BTW, talking to God through Jesus is
still using a mediator (unless you go with the Jesus IS God argument).
>Celibacy is only by a rare and special gift from God. It should not be
entered into except on rare occasions when one is gifted to be totally
>dedicated to God. Without this gift sometimes negative things happen. See
the daily news.
Celibacy is breaking the commandment to be fruitful and multiply. You can
either be Celibate or you can follow the commandments, not both.
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