>>  Would there be a costume that would equally cause a Jewish person
to haul off and slug someone?

Going to a Halloween party dressed as Mel Gibson's father.

- Jim

a cantrl. wrote:

>Did I ever tell you guys that I went to a Halloween party last year dressed as Jesus and got slugged in the jaw by some "tolerant" catholic?
>What's up with that? And why is it ok that 10 other people at the party were dressed as the devil himself and they didn't get slugged? Seems kinda whacky, no?
>Would there be a costume that would equally cause a Jewish person to haul off and slug someone? A muslim? Just curious.
>>A few threads back, I said that my wife had some issues with the
>>Catholic Church.
>>Someone asked for specifics, I said I would ask her to respond.
>>Here is Nelda's commentary on "Being Faithful" as she put it.
>>She wanted me to point out that this is in the context of Catholic vs.
>>Protestant or non-denominational Christian, and in no way is meant to
>>put down people of other faith traditions.
>>Ben has asked me to respond to the question, ?In what ways the
>>Catholic Church does not follow the ways of the Christian faith.?
>>First, I need to say that all Christians and even Jews we all need to
>>be wary of ?falling away? from our faith.
>>Second, if you are interested in opinions about the apostasy (?falling
>>away?) of the Catholic Church, one only has to look into the many
>>books and writings about the original Martin Luther and his 99
>>treatises that he nailed to the cathedral doors in the 1700?s.  He and
>>others, who were finally reading the Bibles that had been distributed
>>after the invention of the printing press, were discovering that many
>>things that were practiced and preached in the Catholic Church were
>>not according to scripture.  Sadly though, even we Protestants have
>>?fallen away? from our faith.
>>Third, we all need to get back to the ?Word?, scriptures, Torah and
>>Tanakh (Torah, Psalms, and Prophets).  We all need to have a time with
>>the Lord, praying, reading prayerfully, and even singing to/with the
>>Lord.  This will bring us all closer to the divine life that is able
>>to get us through our daily living and even be the source of our life
>>Items of concern:
>>The falling away from ?Justification by faith?.  See Galatians, and
>>Romans 5.  
>>Faith in Christ Jesus is faith in His death and resurrection.  He is
>>our grace to get things done.  Keeping the law is not faith.  No one
>>is good, not even one.  If we could be ?good? by trying harder, Christ
>>would not have had to come as our sacrifice.  No amount of Hail Mary?s
>>will make you better, only faith in the Lord?s blood will wash you
>>clean. (That is a whole other email).
>>Idol worship.  See Exodus 20:3.  Some say that Catholic statues and
>>icons were created to tell stories to an illiterate public.  Those
>>times are over and the idols should be taken down.  Especially the
>>Hollywood/Renaissance picture of Jesus should be destroyed.   Check
>>out Isaiah 52 and 53.  The Messiah was/will be not comely to look at.  
>>He was marred beyond any other man.  Some say that these statues are
>>not worshipped.  Then why do people bow down to these idols and pray
>>to them instead of to the living God?  See the book of Judges and how
>>many times the Lord tried to get people to turn back to Him from
>>lifeless idols.  We all need to check with the Lord as to what people,
>>matters for things are modern idols in our lives and turn to God from
>>Making Mary, the mother of Jesus into a God.  She would be the first
>>one to protest this practice.  Yes, she was a devout woman, knowing
>>the scriptures well.  See her exaltation to God in Luke 1:46-55.  She
>>quotes verses from Psalms, Samuel, Exodus, Hosea, and Daniel.  She
>>obeyed God to the uttermost even to the possible loss of her respect
>>and dignity in the society of her time, but she was not a God.
>>Claiming that Mary was a virgin all her life.  Read Matthew 1:25 and
>>through out the Gospels.  Joseph did not ?know? Mary until after Jesus
>>was born. Jesus had brothers and sister?s. See also John 7:3.  I can?t
>>remember where the verse is where it talks about his mother and
>>brothers were looking for him, sorry.
>>The belief that you have to be a special person to be a ?Saint?.  See
>>1 Corinthians 1:2.  All believers in Christ are called saints.  We are
>>all brothers and sisters.  There should be no special designation of
>>Saint, Brother or Sister.
>>There is a verse about not calling anyone ?Father? except God the
>>There are verses about there being one mediator between God and Man
>>the man Jesus Christ.  When we mess up, we should all make confession
>>directly to God through Jesus Christ.  (Without the shedding of blood
>>there can be no forgiveness of sins. Hebrews 9 and Leviticus 17? but
>>that is a whole other topic.  If we came to God directly we would be
>>burnt to a crisp).  There should not be confessing to a priest.
>>The whole clergy laity system is wrong.  All should bring a Hymn, a
>>verse, a song. See 1 Cor. 14:26.
>>The Pope is not God.
>>Celibacy is only by a rare and special gift from God.  It should not
>>be entered into except on rare occasions when one is gifted to be
>>totally dedicated to God.  Without this gift sometimes negative things
>>happen.  See the daily news.
>>The assertion that Peter was the leader of the church after Jesus
>>death and resurrection.  See the Acts and Galatians.  Peter shrank
>>back and was wishy washy on the faith.  But he kept turning back to
>>God.  He is a model of most of us.  Paul and James were the leaders in
>>the early days of the church.
>>A religion of guilt and focus on the death of Christ more than the
>>wonderful story of His resurrection (witnessed by over 120 people over
>>40 days.  See Acts).  A Christian life should be a life of hope,
>>renewing, and grace not death and guilt. Christ is now the life-giving
>>spirit. 1 Cor. 15:45.
>>The gilding and riches of the Catholic hierarchy and Protestant
>>hierarchy while it many members are starving and in a bad way.  Many
>>theologians believe that Revelation 2:18-19 and Rev. 17 are about the
>>Roman Catholic Church and even the Protestant religions that have
>>followed in the same way over the years.  This is a sober warning for
>>all of us.
>>Miscellaneous items:
>>?Lent? is not in the Bible
>>Christmas, Easter, and Halloween (All Saints Day the day after) were
>>invented to attract the local people of an area by putting the leaven
>>of the pagan religions and mixing it with the Christian faith. See
>>Matthew 13:13, also read up on the history of the different holidays.
>>Several Catholics that I know have told me that they were told not to
>>read the Bible and not to read the Bible to their children, but only
>>to read the Catechism.  All scripture is God breathed and profitable
>>of teaching, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in
>>righteousness, that the man of God may be complete. Fully equipped in
>>ever good work. 2 Timothy 3:16.  Man shall not live on bread alone,
>>but on every word that proceeds out from the mouth of God. Matthew 4:4.  
>>Your words were found and I did eat them and they became the joy and
>>rejoicing of my heart.  Jeremiah 15:16.  The prophet Ezra read the
>>Word to the children of Israel when they returned from Babylon and
>>they were strengthened to rebuild the Temple.
>>We will not even go into the persecutions of the Jews & Christians who
>>would not follow the Catholic way, or forced conversions throughout
>>I hope that all Christians and Jews, including myself, will continue
>>to come back to the Word and treat it as a living document not dead
>>letters.  We need to not only study it but also prayer with it.  We
>>all need to ?talk? to God about everything that is going on in our
>>I am sorry that I am very busy right now and will probably not be able
>>to respond to rebuttals to this email, but I hope it gets us all to
>>think about being true to our faith and not falling away from it.
>>Grace and peace be with you all,
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