Jerry Johnson wrote:
> Sell your wife, mother, and youngest child.
> Then have a heart reduction surgery (placing is in a secure storage
> facility)
> Rob a whole troop of girlscouts out of their cookie money.
> Dig a 20 foot hole in a sand trap with a sand wedge.
> And tell a bar full of Yankee fans that the Red Sox are a better team.
> Now, add the above items to your resume, and you should be all set.

That's a good start.

I have yet to find a recruiter or agency that didn't ultimately leave me 
feeling raped in the end.  And that's regardless of whether or not I 
ultimately got a job through them.

I know recruiters are busy and are trying to fill openings.  But is it 
SO freaking hard to treat somebody who has just been DQ'd for whatever 
reason like a human being?  Each and every time I have ever been passed 
over for a job, the recruiter has stopped answering my emails and/or 
phone calls.  Completely.  Not a peep from them ever again UNLESS 
another opening came up.  It's like I'm not worth the five seconds of 
their time since I'm no longer somebody that could make them money at 
that instant.

What's worse, is that they come off all friendly and helpful and 
everything at the start... but then, as time passes, they become less 
involved.  Even where I am now... the guy handling my position has yet 
to EVER call me back to ask how things are going, or to take me to lunch 
as he repeatedly promised at the start.  If I email him, I will get a 
reply usually within 24 hrs with a short response.  If I have a followup 
question, it never gets answered.

And I've been dealing with these lowlifes since the late 90's, so it's 
not like I've encountered "a few bad apples."  I firmly believe this to 
be the norm.

I think I would sooner try to sell cars than become a recruiter.


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