>I was thinking:
>Is there a way to create a loop that will run through all the values from
>the form - creating a query and output for each one.

If your questions are all numbered sequentially then this is real easy.
Name your checkboxes something like "Question_x" where "x" is the question
number.  Then...

<!--- action_page.cfm --->
<CFLOOP INDEX="i" FROM="1" TO="237">
    <CFIF IsDefined("Form.Question_" & i)>
        <!--- question was checked --->
        <!--- question was not checked --->

If your questions aren't numbered sequentially then you have to modify this
slightly.  You will need a list of all the question numbers that are on the
form (such as "1,3,4,5,9,11").  Assuming that the list of numbers is in
lstNumbers you can do:

<!--- action_page.cfm --->
<CFLOOP INDEX="i" LIST="#lstNumbers#">
    <CFIF IsDefined("Form.Question_" & i)>
        <!--- question was checked --->
        <!--- question was not checked --->

If you have non-sequential question numbers and need help figuring out how
to build the list of numbers let me know.

Hope this makes sense,
Seth Petry-Johnson
Argo Enterprise and Associates

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