>I have search form that contains a large amount of yes/no check boxes -237
>to be exact. It is to search the results of a survey that has 237 questions.
>Only when a checkbox is checked will data be sent from the form. Because of
>this I need to check if each variable is present. I can create 237 "CFIF
>IsDefined" statements to see if the variables are present. The other option
>is to set 237 CFPARAM variables to "NO" as default, and then create my
>dynamic SQL statements with CFIF tags checking for "YES".
>The problems with these two options is that they are slow and will take a
>long time to code.
>I was thinking:
>Is there a way to create a loop that will run through all the values from
>the form - creating a query and output for each one.

237 checkboxes! What do your users have to say about that. I have no 
idea of what your survey consists of but couldn't you possibly 
categorize the responses and build your search forms based on the new 
categories. I can't see how you can possibly find any relationships, 
or draw any conclusions from a variation of 237 check boxes.

Also, does that mean a single query will resolve the search, and what 
are the development implications of this?

Sorry, but I went to a User Centered Design presentation last night 
and have to ask.

Mark Zukiwsky
Edmonton, Canada
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