<!-- From: Bud Schneehagen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
<!-- Re: Steve Bernard

<!-- Why would you say that? Clinton's posted here before, and his usual
<!-- posts don't seem to be SPAM. I think it was a useful post. Not like
<!-- he just stopped by to post that tidbit and then be gone. :)
<!-- Thanks Clinton.

Thank you Bud.

I need to say that Michael D. sent me mail stating the length
and the apparent tome of the post were inappropriate for the list as
it sounded like spam. So I responded to his mail and sent him a
modification. That Michael then allowed the original to post to CF-Talk
was his doing, albeit as a result of my excitement over what appears to
be a real breakthrough in development tool strategy.

I think it is to Macromedia's credit - and to respect their acknowledgement
of HomeSite in the first place - that they are working to provide what
they believe is needed by the customer. That's you and me friends and

I think it would be appropriate for Michael to acknowledge my immediate
cooperation regarding my response to his mail and the my re-submittal of
a modification - which has yet to appear...and needn't as it is now mute
but for the fact and the ack that I did respond cooperatively.

I like Allaire's tools as well as any other products that I use but I'm in
business for me - to make a profit - and to product high quality results for
my customers. Yes, I code by hand, and I also use any and all authoring or
any other tool that will help me represent my customer to produce the
quality result to achieve the most affordable cost-performance benefit.
fifteen years of experience in this industry I've earned my insights and
my opinions are based on experience - not emotional whining or unreasonable

That Allaire has been having a tough time balancing their reach for the
enterprise while allowing their development tools to slip away to the
is of concern to me. That Macromedia is accepting the challenge and
results is important news.

<!-- Clinton Gallagher

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