> What amazes me is the number of people who consider
> themselves senior cold fusion programmers, and have never
> used the query builder, or even know about it. Apparently
> the little build button in the query tag edit has completely
> escaped their attention.

They're the ones most likely never to have used it! I wrote CF code for
years before Studio existed, using "Visual Notepad". Knowing a language
isn't the same as knowing the features of an IDE. In any case, I don't use
the query builder even now that I know about it - if you're using stored
procedures, or really anything beyond a basic SELECT query, it's not all
that helpful. I suppose I could figure out how to do subqueries in the query
builder, or how to use aggregate functions, but it's easier for me just to
type it out.

> I cannot imagine trying to code Cold Fusion apps using anything
> but CF Studio. Kinda like trying to build a house without a hammer or

There are, of course, quite a few useful features in Studio, but to me, the
beauty of CF programming is that it's so simple, you don't really need an

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
voice: (202) 797-5496
fax: (202) 797-5444

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